Granaryn example sentences

Related (10): grain, storage, silo, barn, warehouse, harvest, corncrib, pantry, stockpile, abundance.

"Granaryn" Example Sentences

1. The granary was filled to the brim with wheat.
2. The granary was a vital part of their agricultural community.
3. The rats had infested the granary and were eating all the stored grains.
4. The granary was built on high stilts to protect it from flooding.
5. The silos in the granary were emptied and cleaned every season.
6. The granary was a large red building with a sloping roof.
7. The granary provided food security for the village during times of famine.
8. The granary was locked tightly to keep thieves and rodents away.
9. The granary was located near the river for easy transportation of goods.
10. The granary was an important source of income for the farmers.
11. The granary was an architectural masterpiece built in ancient times.
12. The granary became a tourist attraction due to its unique design.
13. The granary was destroyed in a fire that broke out in the nearby fields.
14. The granary was being renovated to accommodate modern farming practices.
15. The granary had a capacity to store up to 10,000 bushels of wheat.
16. The granary had a unique ventilation system to keep the grains fresh.
17. The workers loaded the sacks of grains onto the granary shelves.
18. The granary was part of a cooperative that shared resources and profits.
19. The granary was surrounded by fields of golden wheat.
20. The granary was a symbol of prosperity and wealth in the village.
21. The granary was the pride of the town and a popular landmark for tourists.
22. The rats had made a nest in the granary and were causing havoc.
23. The granary was the only source of food during a harsh winter.
24. The granary was guarded day and night to prevent theft.
25. The farmers harvested the wheat and stored it in the granary for later use.
26. The granary was built on a high elevation to protect from flooding.
27. The granary was a monument to the hard work and ingenuity of the farmers.
28. The granary's roof was painted red to ward off evil spirits.
29. The granary was equipped with modern technology to control pest infestations.
30. The granary was a popular place for children to play hide and seek.

Common Phases

1. "I walked past the granaryn on my way to work; it looked rustic in the morning light."
2. "The farmer opened the doors of the granaryn and revealed the piles of golden wheat inside; I had never seen so much grain before."
3. "The smell of freshly baked bread wafted from the bakery, which sourced its flour from the granaryn; it was a small town with strong community ties."
4. "The granaryn was filled to the brim with corn and beans, which will serve as the livestock feed for the winter; the animals will be well-fed and happy."
5. "The old man shared stories of his youth, when he worked at the granaryn and helped load bags of rice onto trucks; there was a sense of nostalgia in his voice."

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