Grandchild example sentences

Related (2): grandson, granddaughter

"Grandchild" Example Sentences

1. My grandchild loves being read bedtime stories.
2. My grandchild enjoys playing with the toys I bought for him.
3. Holding my grandchild for the first time was one of the happiest moments of my life.
4. I love spending time with my grandchild and spoiling him a little.
5. My grandchild always gives me a big hug when I come to visit.
6. I enjoy watching my grandchild experience new things for the first time.
7. I take my grandchild to the park to play on the swings and see-saw.
8. My grandchild calls me "Grandma" with a big smile.
9. Baking cookies with my grandchild brings back fond memories of doing the same with my children.
10. My grandchild giggles in delight when I tickle him.
11. I cherish all the sweet memories I make with my grandchild.
12. I love to laugh and play and create artwork with my grandchild.
13. Helping my grandchild learn and grow stimulates my mind.
14. I adore watching my grandchild learn new skills and gain more independence.
15. My grandchild gives me unconditional love and acceptance.
16. Spending time with my grandchild fills my heart with joy.
17. I give my grandchild lots of hugs, kisses and tickles.
18. Watching my grandchild experience the world for the first time is magical.
19. Playing peek-a-boo with my grandchild never gets old.
20. My role as a grandparent lets me be loving and fun without the responsibility of raising my grandchild.
21. I teach my grandchild traditional songs and stories that I learned as a child.
22. My grandchild makes me proud with his huge heart, bright mind and funny personality.
23. Making paper chain crafts with my grandchild always brings us close together.
24. I treasure every moment I spend with my grandchild.
25. My grandchild brings so much happiness into my life.
26. My grandchild's laugh is the best sound in the world.
27. I love to make up silly stories and songs with my grandchild.
28. Spending time with my grandchild keeps me feeling young at heart.
29. Watching my grandchild grow and learn is truly a blessing.
30. I cherish being a positive role model in the life of my grandchild.
31. Giving silly advice and wisdom to my grandchild brings me so much amusement.
32. My grandchild keeps me active by wanting to play all sorts of games.
33. I delight in seeing the world anew through the eyes of my grandchild.
34. Teaching my grandchild simple tasks brings back memories of raising my own children.
35. I feel lucky to have my grandchild in my life.
36. My grandchild's milestones and accomplishments fill me with pride.
37. Reading stories to my grandchild is the highlight of my day.
38. I tell my grandchild funny stories from when I was young.
39. I enjoy passing on family traditions to my grandchild.
40. My grandchild reminds me of the simple joys in life.
41. I surround my grandchild with as much love and support as possible.
42. I remember happy times with each homemade craft I make with my grandchild.
43. I strive to teach my grandchild important values and life lessons.
44. I feel blessed to play such an important role in the life of my grandchild.
45. My grandchild shows love so freely and openly that it fills my heart with joy.
46. Making my grandchild laugh brings me great happiness.
47. I relish in the sweet simplicity of playing with my grandchild.
48. My grandchild brings new meaning and purpose to my life.
49. I feel honored that my grandchild thinks I have all the answers.
50. Parenting my own children prepared me well for being a grandparent.
51. My grandchild makes everyday moments magical.
52. My grandchild is full of wonder and curiosity that reminds me to see the world in a new light.
53. I will embrace every stage of my grandchild's life with loving support.
54. I cherish being a constant source of unconditional love for my grandchild.
55. I just love every part of being a grandparent to my sweet grandchild!
56. My grandchild's hugs and kisses fill my heart with endless joy.
57. My grandchild reminds me of all the important life lessons I want to teach.
58. My grandchild brings out my nurturing, playful and creative side.
59. I feel lucky to share valuable stories from my life and experiences with my grandchild.
60. My grandchild's spirit, curiosity and wonder inspire me daily.

Common Phases

1. My grandmother adores her grandchildren.
2. She spoils her grandchildren rotten with gifts and affection.
3. I cannot wait to have grandchildren of my own one day.
4. He happily played with his grandchild in the backyard.
5. The grandchild called out excitedly when she saw her grandmother.
6. The grandmother smothered her newborn grandchild with kisses.
7. She looks forward to seeing her grandchildren every weekend.
8. His grandchildren are the light of his life in his old age.
9. He often tells stories to his grandchildren to teach them life lessons.
10. My grandmother helps take care of her young grandchildren.
11. The grandchild sat on her grandmother's lap and listened to her stories.
12. They love traveling with their grandchildren during the holidays.
13. Her grandchildren give her joy and keep her young at heart.
14. He sent his grandchildren gifts for their birthday.
15. The grandparents enjoy baking cookies with their grandchildren.
16. They plan to pay for their grandchildren's college education.
17. The grandchild often receives letters and packages from her grandparents.
18. Her grandchildren call her Mimi as a term of endearment.
19. They picked up their grandchildren from school every day.
20. The grandfather held his infant grandchild with tears of joy in his eyes.
21. She wrote a letter to her grandchild describing fond childhood memories.
22. The grandchild often teaches his grandparents new technology.
23. Their grandchildren always looked forward to the delicious dinners at Grandma's house.
24. She happily watched her grandchildren play in the yard.
25. His grandchildren make up the most colorful stories that keep him laughing.
26. They still remember the handmade gifts from their grandparents and grandparents.
27. They sent their grandchildren tickets to attend the next baseball game.
28. Their grandchildren filled their lives with warmth and happiness.
29. The grandchild rushed excitedly toward her grandmother for a hug.
30. The grandmother cried tears of joy seeing her grandchild for the first time.
31. The grandchild frequently visited her favorite grandmother during the summer.
32. Their grandchildren cherish the family heirlooms passed down from their grandparents.
33. He took his grandchildren fishing at the lake every weekend.
34. Their grandson is their only grandchild so far.
35. Their granddaughter looks just like her grandmother.
36. The newborn grandchild slept peacefully in her grandmother's arms.
37. They look forward to passing on family traditions to their grandchildren.
38. The grandchild eagerly unwrapped the gift from her grandparents.
39. The grandchild developed a particularly close bond with her grandmother.
40. Their young grandchildren keep them feeling young and energetic.
41. The grandchild likes to dress up her grandmother in costumes and hats.
42. They tell stories about their grandparents to their own grandchildren.
43. The grandchild inherited his grandfather's love for reading.
44. Their grandchildren bring great comfort in their old age.
45. The proud grandfather showed off pictures of his grandchild to his friends.
46. The grandchildren fondly remembered their grandparents' wisdom and advice.
47. The grandchild loves hearing his grandmother sing old songs.
48. The grandchild was the light of her grandmother's life.
49. They helped bath and feed their infant grandchild.
50. The grandchild played with his grandfather's old toys.
51. Their grandchildren's accomplishments fill them with pride.
52. The grandchild leaned on her grandmother's shoulder for comfort and security.
53. The grandparents were overjoyed to have additional grandchildren.
54. Their grandchildren think their grandparents are the wisest people on earth.
55. The grandmother kissed her grandchild goodnight before tucking him into bed.
56. She spoiled her grandchild rotten when the parents weren't looking.
57. The grandchild looked up to her grandparents as role models.
58. The grandchild saved every card and letter from her grandparents.
59. The grandchild loved hearing her grandparent's war stories.
60. The grandchild reminded the grandparents of their own child at that age.

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