Graphein example sentences

Related (10): scribe, graphic, autograph, telegraph, photograph, calligraphy, stenography, typography, cartography, topography.

"Graphein" Example Sentences

1. The word "calligraphy" comes from the Greek words "kallos," meaning beauty, and "graphein," meaning to write.
2. I studied graphology, the analysis of handwriting, and learned that the root word "graph" comes from "graphein."
3. The scriptorium was filled with monks hunched over parchment, diligently "graphein" scriptures and holy texts.
4. As a lover of all things graphic design, I never tire of exploring the various ways to "graphein" a message visually.
5. When I was in art school, I remember my professor stressing the importance of understanding the "graphein" principles of typography.
6. The ancient Greeks used to "graphein" their laws onto large stone tablets that were displayed in public for all to see.
7. Plato believed that writing (graphein) was a dangerous invention that would weaken human memory.
8. The word "graphite" comes from "graphein" as it was originally used to produce pencils and other writing instruments.
9. The art of engraving involves "graphein" a design or image onto a hard surface like metal or wood.
10. There is a lot of debate in the scientific community about whether or not animals are capable of "graphein" language.
11. I always thought it was fascinating how the ancient Egyptians were able to "graphein" hieroglyphics onto stone walls.
12. When I was learning about linguistics in college, I came across the term "orthography," which means the "correct" way to "graphein" a language.
13. In her book, Mary Shelley famously wrote that "I busied myself to think of a story—that would speak to the mysterious fears of our nature, and awaken thrilling horror— one to "graphein" the reader to it."
14. The Chinese language has a unique system of "graphein" characters instead of an alphabet like the English language.
15. The language of mathematics involves "graphein" equations and symbols to represent numerical concepts.
16. If you're not sure how to spell a word, you can always "graphein" it into a search engine for the correct spelling.
17. The artist used a calligraphy brush to "graphein" beautiful Chinese characters onto the canvas.
18. In ancient times, scribes were highly valued for their ability to "graphein" in an accurate and beautiful way.
19. There is a whole field called cryptology that focuses on "graphein" codes and ciphers to protect information.
20. Many people are drawn to the art of tattooing because it involves "graphein" meaningful words or symbols onto the skin.
21. The field of typography involves the art and science of "graphein" typefaces and fonts.
22. When I was in high school, I used to love to "graphein" poetry as a form of self-expression.
23. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century made it possible to "graphein" books and other printed materials more quickly and affordably.
24. The act of writing a letter involves "graphein" words onto paper as a means of communication.
25. Many religions have holy books that contain the words of their deities "graphein" by prophets or authors.
26. The written word has the ability to "graphein" history and preserve it for future generations.
27. When I was in college, I majored in English and spent countless hours "graphein" essays and papers.
28. The field of handwriting analysis, or graphology, is based on the idea that the way we "graphein" words can reveal aspects of our personality and character.
29. In order to become a successful novelist, you need to have the ability to "graphein" compelling characters and storylines.
30. From graffiti to calligraphy, there are endless ways to "graphein" our thoughts and ideas onto the world around us.

Common Phases

not include more than one phrase per sentence.
- Orthography is the art of writing correctly; it comes from the Greek "orthos" meaning correct and "graphein" meaning to write.
- Calligraphy is the art of beautiful writing; it comes from the Greek words "kallos" meaning beauty and "graphein" meaning to write.
- Autograph is a signature of one's own hand; it comes from the Greek words "autos" meaning self and "graphein" meaning to write.
- Geography is the study of the earth's surface; it comes from the Greek words "geo" meaning earth and "graphein" meaning to write.
- Biography is the written history of a person's life; it comes from the Greek words "bios" meaning life and "graphein" meaning to write.
- Graphic design is the art of combining text and images; it comes from the Greek word "graphikos" meaning relating to drawing or writing.
- Cryptography is the practice of writing or reading secret codes; it comes from the Greek words "kryptos" meaning hidden and "graphein" meaning to write.
- Epigraphy is the study of inscriptions on ancient buildings or monuments; it comes from the Greek words "epi" meaning on and "graphein" meaning to write.

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