Grayhound example sentences

Related (8): greyhound, bus, transit, transportation, travel, coach, motorcoach, fleet

"Grayhound" Example Sentences

1. I spotted a grayhound sleeping in the shade.
2. The grayhound ran faster than any other dog at the race.
3. It's fascinating to watch a grayhound chase after a rabbit.
4. I always get excited when I see a grayhound at the park.
5. My neighbor owns a beautiful grayhound named Apollo.
6. The grayhound's eyes gleamed with intelligence.
7. The grayhound was panting heavily after running for so long.
8. I can't get enough of watching the graceful movement of grayhounds.
9. The grayhound's coat was so shiny it looked like it was glowing.
10. I heard that grayhounds are great at hunting.
11. Watching a grayhound in full sprint is a sight to behold.
12. I have a soft spot for grayhounds, they're just so elegant.
13. The grayhound gracefully leaped over the hurdle.
14. The grayhound sniffed around the yard, looking for something of interest.
15. Grayhounds are known for their sleek bodies and long legs.
16. I love the way a grayhound's ears perk up when they hear something.
17. The grayhound was wagging its tail excitedly as it played with its toy.
18. I can tell the grayhound is well-cared for by its healthy appearance.
19. I've always wanted to adopt a grayhound, they make great pets.
20. The grayhound was barking loudly, trying to get its owner's attention.
21. A grayhound's speed and agility make them excellent racing dogs.
22. The grayhound had a friendly disposition and eagerly greeted anyone who came near.
23. I watched in awe as the grayhound gracefully chased after a squirrel.
24. My friend's grayhound loves to cuddle up with her on the couch.
25. I admire the strength and determination of grayhounds.
26. The grayhound looked at me with big, soulful eyes.
27. Grayhounds are often used in therapy programs due to their calm demeanor.
28. The grayhound's coat was a beautiful shade of grey with black flecks.
29. I can't imagine anything cuter than a grayhound puppy.
30. The grayhound's athleticism is truly impressive to watch.
31. I could spend hours watching a grayhound run and play.
32. The grayhound's elegant movements make them seem almost regal.
33. I learned that grayhounds have been used for hunting for thousands of years.
34. The grayhound is one of the fastest dog breeds, reaching speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.
35. As soon as I saw the grayhound, I knew I had to adopt him.
36. The grayhound eagerly gobbled up the treat I offered him.
37. I love how affectionate and loyal grayhounds are to their owners.
38. The grayhound's muscles rippled as he chased after a ball.
39. Grayhounds have a long and fascinating history as working dogs.
40. I can't wait to take my grayhound for a long walk in the park.

Common Phases

1. The grayhound won the race with ease.
2. We took a grayhound bus for the long journey.
3. The grayhound's sleek coat gleamed in the sunlight.
4. He bet on the grayhound to win at the track.
5. The grayhound was trained to chase rabbits.
6. This breed of grayhound is known for their speed.
7. She adopted a retired grayhound from the shelter.
8. The grayhound's tail wagged happily as he played fetch.
9. The grayhound rested lazily in the shade.
10. The grayhound's muscles rippled under his skin as he ran.

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