Griefers example sentences

Related (5): trolls, cyberbullies, troublemakers, antagonists, instigators

"Griefers" Example Sentences

1. I'm sick of dealing with these griefers in the online gaming community.
2. The moderators banned several griefers who were causing chaos in the chat.
3. I can't believe these griefers are ruining everyone's fun for no reason.
4. The server owner implemented new anti-griefer measures to protect their community.
5. Every time I join this server, there are griefers causing destruction.
6. It's frustrating when griefers ruin your progress in a game.
7. The griefers were kicked out of the clan for their destructive behavior.
8. I had to report the griefer to the moderators for their inappropriate language.
9. It's disheartening when griefers target new players in the game.
10. The griefers were messing with the server settings and causing crashes.
11. The administrators are working hard to keep griefers out of the community.
12. The game developers are constantly trying to find ways to combat griefers.
13. The griefers' actions were so extreme that they were permanently banned from the game.
14. Griefers often break the rules and disrupt the game experience for others.
15. The owner had to shut down the server due to constant harassment from the griefers.
16. Griefers often target specific players and try to drive them out of the game.
17. It's important to report griefers to the appropriate authorities to prevent further harm.
18. The game was once enjoyable, but the constant presence of griefers ruined it.
19. The moderators are trained to recognize and respond to the behavior of griefers.
20. Griefers often use fake accounts to continue their destructive behavior after being banned.
21. The developers added a griefing report feature to allow players to directly report griefers.
22. The griefers' actions caused a rift in the community and divided many players.
23. The moderators have to be diligent in monitoring the game to catch griefers in the act.
24. Griefers often use hacks and cheats to gain an unfair advantage over other players.
25. The community rallied together to take action against the griefers and protect their enjoyment of the game.
26. I reached out to support and they assured me that they are taking action against the griefers.
27. The constant harassment from the griefers made it impossible for me to continue playing the game.
28. The admins had to roll back the server to undo the damage caused by the griefers.
29. The community created a system to identify and report griefers to better protect new players.
30. Griefers are a persistent problem in online gaming communities and require constant attention to prevent their destructive behavior.

Common Phases

not include any exclamation points or question marks in your response.
1. These griefers ruin everything;
2. They always find a way to spoil the fun;
3. It's frustrating to deal with their constant negativity;
4. They thrive off of causing chaos and destruction;
5. It's disheartening to see their lack of respect for others;
6. They have no remorse for the damage they cause;
7. It's sad to think that they must enjoy bringing others down;
8. Dealing with their behavior can be exhausting;
9. It's a shame that they can't just play and enjoy the game like everyone else;
10. Unfortunately, they seem to be everywhere these days.

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