Grizzle example sentences
Related (10): grey, hair, complain, nag, growl, grumpy, moan, whine, sulk, lament
grizzle (adjective)
- (of hair or fur) having dark and white hairs mixed:
- a mixture of dark and white hairs.
verb BRITISH ENGLISH informal
grizzle (verb) · grizzles (third person present) · grizzled (past tense) · grizzled (past participle) · grizzling (present participle)
- (of a child) cry fretfully:
- complain; grumble.
cry, weep, whimper, whine, mewl, moan, bleat, snivel, sob, wail, howl, bawl, greet, whinge, boohoo, blubber, blub, Legal"Grizzle" Example Sentences
1. The old man began to grizzle at the harsh treatment.
2. The child started to grizzle when his ice cream fell on the floor.
3. The puppy began to grizzle when its owner left for work.
4. The toddler started to grizzle when her mother said no more sweets.
5. The baby began to grizzle as he woke up from his nap.
6. The kitten started to grizzle when its littermates got the mother's attention first.
7. The horse began to grizzle as the saddle was tightened.
8. The piglet started to grizzle when it got separated from its mother.
9. The goat began to grizzle when she saw the farmer approach with shears.
10. The calf started to grizzle for its mother as it was taken to the pen.
11. The lamb began to grizzle at being separated from its flock.
12. The foal started to grizzle as it was taken away from its mother.
13. The crow began to grizzle peevishly from its perch.
14. The young boy began to grizzle about not getting his way.
15. The toddler started to grizzle loudly until her pacifier was found.
16. The child began to grizzle uncomfortably in his car seat.
17. The baby began to grizzle as his favorite toy fell down the drain.
18. The infant started to grizzle fretfully in her crib.
19. The puppy began to grizzle as it pawed at the front door.
20. The kitten started to grizzle plaintively for some milk.
21. He began to grizzle pitifully about all that had gone wrong.
22. She started to grizzle mournfully at the sad news.
23. The old man began to grizzle grumpily about the noise.
24. The child started to grizzle querulously for attention.
25. The toddler began to grizzle irritatingly in the store.
26. The baby began to grizzle incessantly in the middle of the night.
27. The coach heard the player grizzling about his playing time.
28. The student began to grizzle after receiving a poor grade.
29. The toddler started to grizzle loudly after bumping her head.
30. The child began to grizzle persistently until given a toy.
31. The baby started to grizzle fretfully until picked up and soothed.
32. The prisoner began to grizzle bitterly about his situation.
33. The toddler started to grizzle indignantly at being told no.
34. The old man began to grizzle crankily about the younger generation.
35. The teenager started to grizzle rebelliously about the curfew.
36. The child began to grizzle plaintively for his mother's attention.
37. The toddler started to grizzle impatiently until given some candy.
38. The infant began to grizzle fretfully in her crib for hours.
39. The player started to grizzle petulantly about the coach's decisions.
40. The child began to grizzle sullenly when the tv was turned off.
41. The toddler started to grizzle tearfully when separated from her parents.
42. The baby began to grizzle inconsolably after a bad dream.
43. The dog started to grizzle miserably as his owner got ready to leave.
44. The man began to grizzle peevishly about the wait time.
45. The passenger started to grizzle audibly about the uncomfortable seat.
46. The toddler began to grizzle agitatedly in the shopping cart.
47. The baby started to grizzle uncontrollably at the loud noises.
48. The student began to grizzle resentfully about the amount of homework.
49. The prisoner started to grizzle woefully about his imprisonment.
50. The child began to grizzle disconsolately when denied dessert.
Common Phases
1. The old hunting dog started to grizzle as his master prepared to leave.
2. The toddler began to grizzle as he failed to navigate the obstacles of the playground.
3. The piglet started to grizzle at the sight of the farmer.
4. The lamb began to grizzle as it came into the world.
5. The kitten started to grizzle for its mother's milk.
6. Her grizzle and whimpers woke me from my sleep.
7. I could hear the infant grizzling through the thin walls.
8. Come now, don't grizzle so. Everything will be alright.
9. His beard had grown long and grizzled.
10. The horse shuffled around the stable with a grizzled snort.
11. The old grizzled horse ignored the commands of its new rider.
12. His grizzled face was lined from years of hard work and weathering.
13. The grizzled veteran told stories of his exploits in the war.
14. The mountains were topped with grizzled clouds.
15. His hair had grown long and grizzled from months in the wilderness.
16. The little pig began to grizzle in hunger and longing for its mother.
17. His wife's grizzling finally drove him out of the house for some peace.
18. The kitten made pitiful little grizzling noises all night long.
19. The grizzled sheepdog herded his flock with patience and wisdom.
20. The veteran miner's face was lined and grizzled from years underground.
21. The old prospector had a grizzled beard filled with dirt and crumbs.
22. The old ram had grown grizzled and surly in his dotage.
23. Her grizzle and tears roused me from my sleep.
24. The hound began to grizzle plaintively for its supper.
25. Soon the baby's grizzle grew to a full-fledged wail.
26. He smoked a pipe while his beard grew long and grizzled.
27. The old horse's grizzled face was calm and happy in retirement.
28. The grizzled warrior returned from the war a broken man.
29. The fire grew to life, crackling and casting dancing light over my grizzled beard.
30. The grizzled cottage had stood for decades against wind and weather.
31. The baby began to grizzle and whimper at bedtime.
32. His grizzled face told stories of the hardships he had seen.
33. The sky darkened suddenly, growing grizzled and ominous.
34. Soon the grizzling grew to an angry wail that awoke the whole house.
35. The moon rose, huge and grizzled in the cold winter sky.
36. The grizzled veteran stared out to sea, remembering battles long past.
37. The sheepdog trotted over, grizzled face alert and assessing the situation.
38. The air grew cold and grizzled, a sure sign of snow approaching.
39. The fire's glow lit the old woodsman's grizzled beard.
40. The storm came in quick and grizzled, bringing wind and rain.
41. The grizzled warrior led his troops into battle one last time.
42. His grizzle and cries kept us awake most of the night.
43. Soon the old ram's grizzled beard was stained with blood.
44. The child began to grizzle inconsolably for her mother.
45. A grizzled tomcat watched the birds from the fencepost.
46. The grizzled clouds promised snow before morning.
47. The old ram turned his grizzled face towards me, eyes dimmed with age.
48. The soldier fought on, grizzled and battered but still determined.
49. The infant's grizzle woke the whole house in the middle of the night.
50. The horse whinnied and stamped, her grizzled face anxious.
51. His grizzled face stared out at the starry night.
52. The storm roiled in, grizzled and furious, ready to unleash its fury.
53. The old crow soared high, its wings stiff and grizzled.
54. The kitten began to grizzle pitifully when its mother left the room.
55. The dust grew thick and grizzled as the storm approached.
56. The baby began to grizzle for its late-night feeding.
57. The grizzled sailor told stories of his adventures on the high seas.
58. The old dog shuffled around the yard, grizzling softly to himself.
59. The baby's grizzle soon woke the entire house.
60. The grizzled warrior faced his final battle with determination and grace.
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