Groke example sentences

Related (10): grok, grovel, groggy, groan, grotesque, grocer, grove, grouch, groovy, groundhog.

"Groke" Example Sentences

1. Every time I mention my favorite book, he just grokes at me.
2. She had a strange habit of grokeing at strangers.
3. The dog grokeed at the mailman out of his window.
4. I could feel his eyes grokeing at me from across the room.
5. The child grokeed in amazement at the fireworks display.
6. He tried to conceal his groke but it was obvious he was confused.
7. The employee grokeed in fear as his boss entered the room.
8. The old man grokeed intently at the painting on the wall.
9. She couldn't help but groke in disgust at the sight of the cockroach.
10. The toddler grokeed with curiosity as he watched the fish swim in the tank.
11. He grokeed nervously as he realized he had forgotten his wallet.
12. Grokeing at her phone, she almost walked into a pole on the sidewalk.
13. The detective grokeed intently at the crime scene, searching for clues.
14. The little girl grokeed at the magician's magic trick, amazed by the illusion.
15. He grokeed in awe at the beautiful sunset over the ocean.
16. Her friend's strange behavior made her groke in confusion.
17. The teacher grokeed at the student's blank test paper, wondering how they had not studied.
18. The tourists grokeed at the towering skyscrapers in the city.
19. The actor couldn't help but groke in horror at his terrible performance on stage.
20. Grokeing up at the tall trees, she felt a sense of peace and tranquility.
21. The robot grokeed at the command, preparing to execute the task.
22. The horse grokeed anxiously as they approached the steep hill.
23. The customer grokeed at the high price of the product, deciding not to buy it.
24. She grokeed at the messy kitchen, realizing she needed to clean it up.
25. The gas station attendant grokeed at the car with the flat tire, ready to help.
26. Grokeing at the intricate patterns on the rug, she wondered how long it took to weave.
27. The athlete grokeed in disbelief as he broke the world record.
28. His stomach grokeed as he smelled the delicious aroma of the food cooking.
29. The scientist grokeed at the microscope, observing the tiny organisms.
30. She grokeed in excitement as she saw her favorite celebrity walk by.

Common Phases

not use "groke" in an instruction sentence; I often catch my cat groke at birds outside the window; The kids couldn't help but groke at the huge Christmas tree in the town square; I felt uncomfortable as the stranger began to groke at me in the elevator; The dog began to groke at the sound of the doorbell; I tried not to groke at the delicious-looking dessert my friend was eating.

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