Grump example sentences

Related (7): grumpy, grumplestiltskin, grumpiness, grumpster, grumpapotamus, grumpasaurus, grumpalicious

"Grump" Example Sentences

1. The old man sat in the corner grump and silently glared out the window.
2. The toddler was in a grump after being denied a second cookie.
3. The cat hissed grumpily and jumped off my lap when I tried to pet her.
4. My grandfather tends to get grumpy in the mornings before he's had his coffee.
5. The boy sat in his room grump, upset that he couldn't go out to play.
6. My grandmother just sat there grumpily, refusing to join in the birthday celebration.
7. Dad was in a grump all morning because he was late for work.
8. The two-year-old had a grump and threw his toys all over the room.
9. The dour old man sat grump in the corner, refusing to talk to anyone.
10. The Grump brothers were known for their bad attitudes and miserable behavior.
11. My sister can be a real grump when she wakes up in the morning.
12. The dog growled grumpily at the toddler and refused to let him pet her.
13. The toddler had a temper tantrum and was refusing to stop being grump.
14. Eeyore was known for his constant grump and gloomy disposition.
15. The grumpy cat just laid down grumpily and refused to get up.
16. The grump coach yelled at his players from the sidelines.
17. The old man's wife tried to cheer him out of his grump to no avail.
18. The old man sat grump on his porch, yelling at the children playing in the street.
19. The toddler threw herself down grump after being denied a second juice box.
20. The fisherman sat grump with his rod in the water, having not caught a single fish all day.
21. The teenager was in a grump all weekend after his parents reprimanded him.
22. Grandpa was in a grump about his aching joints and refused to go for a walk.
23. The little girl was throwing a grump after the store clerk refused to give her candy.
24. The cat looked grumpily at me and stalked off, unhappy about being disturbed.
25. The morning paper delivery boy was yelled at by the grumpy old man in a grump.
26. The Grump was unhappy and grumpily sat alone in his cave.
27. The little girl stomped her feet grump as we walked out of the ice cream shop.
28. The employee grumpily complained about his job while his coworkers rolled their eyes.
29. The old man sat grumpily in his rocking chair, glaring out at passersby.
30. My child was throwing a grump tantrum after I told her she couldn't have the toy.
31. The player was in a grump after his coach benched him for the game.
32. The sleepy toddler grumpily refused to get out of bed for daycare.
33. The Grump had such an ornery and disgruntled disposition that no one wanted to be around him.
34. The Grump sister was known for being grumpy, grouchy and complaining all the time.
35. The kitten hissed grumpily at the stray cat outside the window.
36. The old woman sat grumpily knitting, refusing to talk to anyone.
37. The toddler threw herself down in the middle of the store having a full-blown grump tantrum.
38. The grumpy teenager angrily slammed his bedroom door and refused to come out.
39. The man sat hunched grumpily in the corner of the bar nursing his beer.
40. The chef yelled grumpily at his kitchen staff for making simple mistakes.
41. The Grump siblings fought constantly in their grumpy, irritable moods.
42. The dog growled grumpily and snapped at me when I tried to take his bone.
43. The little girl threw herself down grump on the floor and refused to get into the car seat.
44. The workaholic boss grumpily complained about his employees wasting time on lunch breaks.
45. The actor grumpily refused to come out of his trailer and resume filming.
46. The child threw the toy across the room and laid down grump, refusing to pick it up.
47. The Grump was known for being moody and unpredictable with his grumps and moods.
48. The grump old man yelled at the neighborhood kids to stay off his lawn.
49. The toddler threw himself down on the floor, kicking and screaming in a full-blown grump.
50. The teenager grumpily slammed doors and blared loud music to express his displeasure.
51. The Grump family was notorious for their grumpy, grouchy attitudes and sour dispositions.
52. The old fisherman sat grumpily by the lake, upset that no fish were biting.
53. The toddler grumpily refused to get out of the bathtub and get ready for bed.
54. The customer grumpily complained to the manager about the service.
55. The grumpy old neighbor yelled at everyone who walked by his house.
56. The Grump sister pouted and sulked when things didn't go her way.
57. The coworker sat down at his desk grumpily and refused to engage with anyone.
58. The old woman sat grumpily knitting and glaring at everyone who walked by.
59. The Grump was known for being ornery and difficult with his grumpy attitude.
60. The grumpy toddler threw himself down on the floor of the grocery store, kicking and screaming in a fits of grump.

Common Phases

1. The old man grumped when he saw the messy yard.
2. My grumpy neighbor complains about every little thing.
3. The child had a grump on her face all morning.
4. Grumpy cat stared at me with annoyance.
5. I tend to get grumpy when I'm hungry.
6. The toddler threw a grump tantrum when he didn't get his way.
7. My grump of a boss yelled at me for being 5 minutes late.
8. The sleep-deprived new parent was grumpy with frustration.
9. The weather matches my grumpy mood today.
10. Jim's grumpiness increased after he retired.
11. I heard the grumpy driver honk his horn in frustration.
12. The old lady grumped at the noisy children playing outside.
13. Grumpy duck waddled away in a huff.
14. The rude cashier grumped at every customer.
15. The grumpiest old men tended to congregate at the coffee shop.
16. The little boy became grumpy after missing his afternoon nap.
17.My sister gets grumpy when she's hungry.
18.I can tell when my friend is in a grumpy mood.
19. The annoyed employee grumped under his breath.
20. The resident grouch grumped at everyone who walked by.
21. I learned to ignore my grumpy neighbor's constant complaints.
22. The toddler's grumpiness melted away after eating lunch.
23. Grumpy pig snorted and rolled his eyes.
24. My grumpy friend refused to join our party plans.
25. I tried to cheer up my grumpy coworker with a joke.
26. The weary parent grumped at the children's noise.
27. The retiree sat on his porch grumping at passersby.
28. The grumpy driver grumped at other motorists on the road.
29. The employee grumped about the unfair work assignment.
30. The grumpy boy grumped at everyone who approached him.
31. Grumpy dad grumped after stepping on his daughter's toys.
32. The office grouch always grumped about office politics.
33. My aunt grumped when she heard the doorbell ring.
34. The grumpy student grumped about having to study for finals.
35. The boss's grumpy mood infected the whole office.
36. My grumpy attitude tends to rub people the wrong way.
37. The foul-tempered neighbor was always grumping about something.
38. The old lady grumped at kids for making too much noise.
39. The sleep-deprived new parent grumped constantly.
40. Grumpy Dan grumped at his coworkers all morning.
41. The annoyed employee grumped under her breath.
42. Grumpy grandpa grumped at anyone who walked by.
43. My friend grumped when I told her the bad news.
44. The boss grumped at his employees for being late again.
45. The grumpy child grumped until he got his way.
46. Grumpy father grumped after stepping on his son's toys.
47. The complaints of the grumpy old man fell upon deaf ears.
48. Grandpa always grumped about "kids these days."
49. My kids always grump when I tell them to clean their rooms.
50. My neighbor tends to grump when our noise bothers him.
51. The officemate's constant grumping was becoming annoying.
52. GrumpyExpression (Creative Commons) on Flickr grumped about the unfair work policy.
53. The weather makes everyone grumpy sometimes.
54. My husband always grumps when I ask him to do chores.
55. The man in the corner grumped to himself under his breath.
56. I'm too grumpy to go out today.
57. My kids have been grumping since they woke up this morning.
58. The toddler grumped and stomped his feet when his mother said no.
59. I need coffee to cure my grumpy mood.
60. The retiree sat on his porch grumping.

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