Guerdon example sentences
Related (10): reward, prize, accolade, trophy, honor, compensation, recompense, gratuity, bonus, bounty
guerdon (noun) · guerdons (plural noun)
- a reward or recompense.
- give a reward to (someone):
recompense, prize, winnings, purse, award, honor, decoration, profit, advantage, benefit, bonus, plus, premium, bounty, price, present, gift, tip, gratuity, inducement, carrot, payment, consideration, return, requital, payoff, cut, perk, perquisite, meed, recompense, pay, remunerate, tip, honor, decorate, recognize, requite, punish"Guerdon" Example Sentences
1. He sought a fitting guerdon for his years of labor.
2. The warrior received a guerdon of gold for his valor.
3. The guerdon for her faithful service was meager.
4. The poet hoped for a guerdon of fame and fortune.
5. No guerdon was granted for his selfless deeds.
6. The princess demanded a worthy guerdon for marrying the beast.
7. The weary traveler sought no guerdon save a safe bed for the night.
8. The hero fought bravely, deserving great guerdon yet receiving none.
9. Her guerdon for the trek was a view of the glittering lake below.
10. He worked tirelessly but received little guerdon for his efforts.
11. His guerdon for years of toil was ingratitude from his master.
12. Her guerdon for the years of service was meager and her master ungrateful.
13. The savior of the village deserved a princely guerdon yet received only scorn.
14. The ox toiled in the furrow but received no guerdon for his labor.
15. The dancer hoped for a handsome guerdon yet her performance satisfied none.
16. The guerdon for his thesis brought him great renown in scholarly circles.
17. The poet's guerdon came in acclaim from other poets and critics.
18. His guerdon for years of loyalty was betrayal from a friend.
19. The princess longed for a noble guerdon worthy of her virtue.
20. Their guerdon for loyalty was grievous abuse.
21. The valiant knights fought for fame and guerdon, not glory alone.
22. His hope for great guerdon turned to ashes.
23. No guerdon was granted, yet she was content in duty fulfilled.
24. The merchant hoped his gift would gain great guerdon from the king.
25. His guerdon consisted of scorn rather than praise.
26. The champion sought a princely guerdon for his valor.
27. The horse deserved great guerdon for its loyal service.
28. His guerdon was neither wealth nor fame but knowledge and wisdom.
29. The maiden's guerdon for years of faithful service was ingratitude.
30. The poet wrote for love, not guerdon.
31. The champion sought princely guerdon and received it.
32. The explorer sought knowledge as guerdon, not gold.
33. Her guerdon was a smile of gratitude from a stranger.
34. His hopes for great guerdon turned to dust.
35. The hero returned home seeking no guerdon but rest.
36. The guerdon for years of faithful service was meager and scorn.
37. The queen demanded a most worthy guerdon from the stranger who saved her life.
38. Their guerdon for years of toil came finally in the form of independence.
39. No guerdon was offered for her mercy and goodness.
40. The guerdon was promised but never delivered.
41. The soldier fought for honor, not guerdon.
42. The peasant received no guerdon for tilling the barren soil.
43. The maiden sought no guerdon beyond that of duty fulfilled.
44. The prince hoped for princely guerdon from the princess.
45. His only guerdon was the calm of a clear conscience.
46. The king offered a princely guerdon to whomever could solve the riddle.
47. Their years of loyalty received no guerdon.
48. The guerdon for his wisdom was respect and influence at court.
49. He served faithfully, yet received no guerdon but betrayal.
50. His guerdon was naught but grief and ingratitude.
51. The poet wrote for love, not guerdon or fame.
52. Her guerdon was a few pence for hours of toil.
53. His guerdon was ingratitude and scorn.
54. The merchant sought guerdon for his generosity.
55. The prince hoped for princely guerdon from the king.
56. The ox labored but received no guerdon.
57. His only guerdon was the satisfaction of duty fulfilled.
58. Her guerdon for risking her life was scorn.
59. The captain requested no guerdon but honor and glory.
60. The guerdon for years of loyalty was exile.
Common Phases
1. Seek no guerdon - To seek no reward or compensation for one's efforts.
2. Great guerdon - An immense or substantial reward.
3. Fitting guerdon - An appropriate or deserved reward.
4. Worthy guerdon - A reward that is fitting or deserving for someone.
5. Princely guerdon - An extravagant or lavish reward befitting royalty.
6. Meager guerdon - A small, insufficient reward.
7. Scorn as guerdon - To receive contempt or derision as a reward for one's deeds.
8. Fame as guerdon - To achieve renown or reputation as a result of one's deeds.
9. Wisdom as guerdon - To attain knowledge or insight as a reward.
10. Honor as guerdon - To attain respect or reputation as a reward.
In the examples above, "guerdon" refers to a reward or recompense given in exchange for service or merit, often with a literary or archaic feel. The phrases convey the notion of fitting, proportionate rewards bestowed (or not) upon those who deserve them.
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