Gulln example sentences



gully (noun) · gullies (plural noun) · gulley (noun) · gulleys (plural noun)

  - a ravine formed by the action of water.

  - a deep artificial channel serving as a gutter or drain.

  - (of water) make gullies or deep channels in (land):


ravine, canyon, gorge, pass, defile, couloir, gulf, chasm, abyss, chine, bunny, clough, gill, cleuch, gulch, coulee, flume, kloof, donga, channel, conduit, trench, ditch, drain, culvert, cut, flume, gutter, furrow, groove, depression

"Gulln" Example Sentences

1. The seagull snagged a fish from the water with its sharp beak.
2. The gullible tourist fell for the scam and lost all his money.
3. The large gull perched on the rocks overlooking the ocean.
4. The seagull's call echoed across the beach.
5. The gull-wing doors on the car added a touch of elegance to its design.
6. The little girl fed pieces of bread to the hungry gulls on the pier.
7. The gullible student believed everything the teacher said without question.
8. The seagull soared gracefully through the sky.
9. The gull-like shape of the plane made it stand out on the runway.
10. The noisy gulls would wake up the campers early each morning.
11. The gullible employee fell for the prank and sent out a company-wide email with embarrassing typos.
12. The seagull's feathers were ruffled by the strong wind.
13. The gull-winged fighter jet roared past the crowd at the air show.
14. The menacing presence of the seagulls kept the smaller birds away from the bird feeder.
15. The gullible politician promised to lower taxes and create jobs if he was elected.
16. The gull-wing doors on the sports car allowed for easy access to the vehicle's interior.
17. The hungry gulls fought over the scraps of food left on the beach.
18. The gullible customer was duped into buying a product that didn't work as advertised.
19. The seagull's sharp eyes spotted the fish swimming below the surface of the water.
20. The gull-like shape of the glider allowed it to catch air currents and soar through the sky.
21. The gull-winged airplane flew low over the city, leaving a trail of smoke behind it.
22. The seagull's droppings landed on the unsuspecting beachgoer's head.
23. The gullible investor put all his money into a scheme that turned out to be a scam.
24. The gull-wing doors on the concept car opened upwards, creating a dramatic entrance.
25. The hungry gulls circled overhead, waiting for their next meal to appear.
26. The gullible teenager was tricked into thinking he had won a free trip to Hawaii.
27. The seagull's wingspan was over three feet, allowing it to glide effortlessly through the air.
28. The gull-winged helicopter hovered over the landing zone, waiting for the signal to touch down.
29. The gullible audience believed the magician's sleight of hand tricks were real magic.
30. The seagulls nested on the roof of the beachside hotel, waking up guests with their loud calls.

Common Phases

1. Gulln til mörg ævintýri;
2. Gulln eru ekki alltaf gyllt;
3. Ég á gullin þess;
4. Gullin glitra á sólarlaginu;
5. Hún hefur margar gullnar minningar;
6. Ég elska gullin á þessari mynd;
7. Hann leit á gullin eins og að eitthvað gæti farið úrskeiðis;
8. Gulln eru oft tengd við ríkidóm og valdi.

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