Habitants example sentences
Related (14): residents, citizens, locals, populace, community, denizens, dwellers, population, natives, settlers, townsfolk, villagers, occupiers, tenants.
"Habitants" Example Sentences
1. The habitants lived in small, rural villages.
2. The farm habitants gathered their harvest in fall.
3. The new habitants struggled to adjust to the harsh winters.
4. French was the mother tongue of most of the habitants in the colony.
5. The fur trade was the lifeblood of the habitants who trapped animals for pelts.
6. The British settlers often clashed with the French habitants over land rights.
7. Many habitants lived a subsistence lifestyle, growing just enough crops for their families.
8. The habitants greeted each other warmly whenever they ran into each other.
9. The fur trappers and habitants bartered and traded goods at the village market.
10. The habitants relied on the river for transportation and trade.
11. The untrained habitants militia fought bravely against the British troops.
12. Many habitants adopted the British style of dress after the conquest.
13. The new governor worked hard to win the trust and loyalty of the habitants.
14. Most of the habitants were devoutly Catholic and attended mass regularly.
15. The priest ministered to the spiritual needs of the scattered habitants.
16. The priest played an important social and educational role among the habitants.
17. The habitants had very humble homes with few material comforts.
18. The habitants passed down stories and knowledge orally from generation to generation.
19. Most habitants made their living from subsistence farming of crops like wheat and corn.
20. The habitants spoke a French dialect known as joual.
21. Kitchen gatherings among the farm habitants were an important source of socializing.
22. The habitants slowly began embracing the new ideas of the Enlightenment.
23. Harsh winters challenged the hardworking habitants.
24. The woodcutters and habitants relied on the river for their livelihoods.
25. The habitants cherished the land they had lived and worked for generations.
26. Folk tales, legends and music were a cherished part of habitant culture.
27. The habitants befriended the local Native peoples and intermarried with them.
28. Life was hard but simple for most of the habitants.
29. The habitants viewed the new British government with suspicion at first.
30. Custom and tradition held a strong grip on the rural habitants.
31. The habitants had little interaction with people outside their parishes.
32. Fairy tales and superstitions were an important part of habitant folklore.
33. The daylight between dawn and dusk belonged to the habitants.
34. The habitants brought pigs, chickens and other domesticated animals with them.
35. The habitants became increasingly discontent under British rule.
36. Isolated from the outside world, the rural habitants developed their own unique culture.
37. Life for the habitants remained largely agrarian for generations.
38. Food shortages sometimes threatened the habitants, especially in winter.
39. The roadside chapel served as a spiritual and social gathering place for habitants.
40. The lore of house spirits and forest sprites held sway over the imaginings of habitants.
41. Excessive taxes levied by the British government angered many habitants.
42. The voyageurs and habitants shared a bond forged from hard labor and frontier life.
43. The habitants cherished tradition but also longed for opportunity and prosperity.
44. The habitants were initially viewed disparagingly by British settlers.
45. Travel between habitant communities was often difficult due to lack of roads.
46. Many prominent Canadien leaders rose up from the ranks of habitants.
47. Patriotic movements spread slowly from the cities out to habitant villages.
48. The young habitants looked wistfully to the future while honoring the ways of the past.
49. Grudging respect slowly grew between the British settlers and habitants.
50. Legendary figures of bravery and strength loomed large in the collective imagination of habitants.
51. The habitants persevered through difficult times with resilience and resourcefulness.
52. Rebellions and uprisings were sometimes discussed around the fireside among discontent habitants.
53. The habitants passed down folk tales that revealed insights into their peculiar trials and joys.
54. Songs, dances and stories formed an integral part of habitant culture.
55. The habitants harvested the bounty of the land and clamored for self-determination.
56. Wealthy seigneurs held much sway over the impoverished habitants.
57. Joyful celebrations and parties brought reprieve from the difficult rhythms of life for the habitants.
58. The habitants lived in rough harmony with the natural world that surrounded them.
59. Despite their humble circumstances, the habitants possessed a quiet dignity and joie de vivre.
60. The toil and tenacity of the early habitants shaped the story of Quebec.
Common Phases
1. The French habitants lived in small villages throughout Acadia.
2. The Acadian habitants relied heavily on agriculture for their livelihood.
3. The habitants of the French colony depended on fishing and farming.
4. The habitants prayed in small wooden Catholic churches each Sunday.
5. The habitants spent their evenings socializing and playing music together.
6. The English expelled the Acadian habitants from Nova Scotia in the 1750s.
7. Louisiana was settled by French and Canadian habitants in the 18th century.
8. The habitants of New France relied on the fur trade to sustain their economy.
9. Many habitants found the harsh winters particularly difficult to endure.
10. Most Acadian habitants had not taken an oath of allegiance to the British Crown.
11. The city habitants gathered in the marketplace to buy and sell goods.
12. The habitants' simple way of life focused on family, faith, and community.
13. The harshness of farming life in rural Quebec tested the habitants' resilience.
14. With hard work and perseverance, the habitants managed to carve homes for themselves out of the wilderness.
15. The habitants welcomed priests and missionaries who came to spread the Catholic faith.
16. The Acadian habitants' refusal to swear allegiance led to their deportation by the British.
17. Most habitants lived simply, focused more on subsistence than material wealth.
18. Trading furs for goods from France sustained the economy of the habitants in New France.
19. The Acadian habitants clung fiercely to their French heritage and customs.
20. The habitants maintained a largely self-sufficient existence through farming and fishing.
21. Many habitants developed deep spiritual and emotional connections to the land.
22. The fur trade introduced luxury goods that some of the richer habitants adopted.
23. The habitants of the towns had more comforts than those living in rural villages.
24. The Acadian habitants initially had friendly relations with the local Indigenous peoples.
25. Religious processions and feast days punctuated the largely agrarian rhythms of life for many habitants.
26. The habitants' origins trace back to the 16th century settlement of North America by France.
27. The rural habitants spent most of their waking hours engaged in agricultural work.
28.Winters were particularly harsh for the rural habitants who suffered from a lack of sufficient provisions.
29. Many habitants shared close bonds of kinship, growing up in large, multi-generational households.
30. Town habitants enjoyed socializing at the tavern and attending cultural entertainments.
31. Many habitants earned extra income through fur trapping during the winter months.
32. Disease and hardship claimed the lives of many habitants, especially children.
33. The British viewed the Acadian habitants as a threat because of their French allegiances.
34. The habitants engaged in traditional storytelling, folk songs and dances to pass the long winter nights.
35. Habitants along the major rivers used canoes and boats for transportation and trade.
36. Colonial tensions between France and Britain ultimately disrupted the lives of the Acadian habitants.
37. Habitants relied on skillful midwives to assist with home births of their many children.
38. The habitants' homes were simple, often built with wood framing and plaster walls.
39. Some habitants earned additional income by working as laborers, tradesmen or craftsmen.
40. The habitants sought to maintain autonomy from colonial powers as much as possible.
41. The habitants treasured their French language, customs and Catholic traditions.
42. For most habitants, life revolved around the seasons of farming and food preservation.
43. War eventually came to Acadia, disrupting the peaceful existence of the habitants.
44. The Acadian habitants' story is one of hardship, resilience and perseverance.
45. Many young habitants aspired to improve their economic situation through trade or skilled labor.
46. The Acadian expulsion devastated the longstanding habitants communities of the Maritimes.
47. Habitants relied on folk wisdom and traditional remedies passed down for generations.
48. Acadian habitants faced immense challenges adapting to life as refugees after the expulsion.
49. Despite obstacles, the Acadian habitants survived and their descendants still live on today.
50. The expulsion of the Acadian habitants is remembered as a tragedy in Canadian history.
51. Fishing and hunting supplemented the agricultural diets of the Acadian habitants.
52. The habitants developed strong networks of kinship and mutual aid to survive hardships.
53. The habitants' lifestyle remained largely grounded in tradition and continuity.
54. Life for the habitants centered around family, community and connection to the land.
55. The habitants preserved an enduring connection to their French roots and heritage.
56. Habitants in rural areas faced more hardships than those living in the relative comfort of towns.
57. Harsh winters tested the adaptability and resourcefulness of the Acadian habitants.
58. Farm life revolved around raising crops, livestock and preserving food for the long winters.
59. The Catholic faith provided spiritual sustenance and community for many Acadian habitants.
60. The habitants represent the origins of French culture in North America.