Hagseeds example sentences

Related (7): witches, curses, revenge, magic, Prospero, Shakespeare, literature

"Hagseeds" Example Sentences

1. The hagseeds fluttered their wings and flew away into the dense forest.
2. The witch cackled as she tossed a handful of hagseeds into her cauldron.
3. The magical garden was filled with vibrant blooms and delicate hagseeds.
4. The old woman plucked the hagseeds from her pocket and scattered them around her cottage.
5. I wondered if the hagseeds would grow into something beautiful or sinister.
6. The fairy queen sprinkled hagseeds over the sleeping prince and princess.
7. The hagseeds shimmered in the moonlight, casting a bewitching spell.
8. The enchanted forest was haunted by hagseeds that glowed bright green at night.
9. The little girl collected hagseeds and placed them in a jar with holes poked in the lid.
10. The evil sorcerer used hagseeds to grow his army of dark minions.
11. As I walked through the garden, the hagseeds whispered secrets in my ear.
12. The mysterious old man gifted the young apprentice with a pouch of hagseeds.
13. The witchdoctor used hagseeds to ward off evil spirits and curses.
14. I stumbled across a grove of hagseeds while hiking in the forest.
15. The hagseeds glimmered like diamonds in the sun's rays.
16. The farmer planted hagseeds in hopes of growing a rare flower he could sell for a fortune.
17. The magical creatures danced in circles around a mound of hagseeds.
18. The hagseeds sprouted into twisted, gnarly vines that choked the life out of nearby plants.
19. The enchantress threw hagseeds into the fire to invoke a powerful spell.
20. The young wizard used hagseeds as ingredients in his first potion.
21. The ancient prophecy foretold of a warrior who would be born of hagseeds.
22. I found a patch of hagseeds that smelled like peppermint and licorice.
23. The hagseeds grew taller than a man, looming ominously over the forest.
24. The princess gave the prince a bag of hagseeds as a token of her love.
25. The hagseeds glowed with an otherworldly aura that made my hair stand on end.
26. The hagseeds scattered across the darkened meadow, invisible to the naked eye.
27. The hedge maze was made entirely of towering hagseeds that shifted when you tried to pass through.
28. The wise woman revealed that hagseeds were the key to unlocking the ancient tomb.
29. The wizard's spell book listed dozens of recipes that called for hagseeds.
30. The witch's familiar, a black cat named Midnight, purred contentedly as it played with a hagseed.

Common Phases

1. The hagseeds are ready for harvest; let's call the farmers.
2. My garden is filled with hagseeds; it's a beautiful scene.
3. The recipe requires hagseeds; we need to buy some from the market.
4. The hagseeds need some water; let me fetch the watering can.
5. The hagseeds have grown faster than expected; we need to make more room for them.

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