Handkerchief example sentences

Related (10): lint, fabric, pocket, accessory, cloth, nose, wipe, moisture, tears, mucus

"Handkerchief " Example Sentences

1. She reached for her handkerchief to wipe her tears.
2. The magician pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket.
3. The embroidered handkerchief was a wedding gift from her grandmother.
4. I always carry a handkerchief with me in case I need to blow my nose.
5. The gentleman offered his handkerchief to the crying woman.
6. She tied her hair back with a handkerchief while she worked in the garden.
7. He waved his handkerchief to say goodbye as the train pulled away.
8. The vintage handkerchief was a rare find at the antique store.
9. I accidentally left my handkerchief at the restaurant last night.
10. The handkerchief was stained with mascara from her tears.
11. She tucked her handkerchief into her bra strap to keep it from falling out.
12. The groom wiped away a tear with his handkerchief during the wedding ceremony.
13. She embroidered her initials on the corner of the handkerchief.
14. The handkerchief was made of soft cotton and had a delicate lace border.
15. He sneezed into his handkerchief, causing the people around him to move away.
16. She fainted and he used his handkerchief to fan her face.
17. The handkerchief was a prop in the magic trick, but nobody knew how it disappeared.
18. There was a handkerchief on the ground, so I picked it up and put it in the trash.
19. The handkerchief was scented with lavender to help her relax.
20. She tied the handkerchief around her ankle as a makeshift bandage.
21. He used the handkerchief to clean the fingerprints off the murder weapon.
22. The handkerchief was a souvenir from her trip to Paris.
23. She wrapped her baby's hand in a handkerchief to protect it from the cold.
24. The handkerchief was monogrammed with his initials and given to him as a gift.
25. He rubbed his sweaty forehead with the handkerchief and wished for air conditioning.
26. She used the handkerchief to cover her mouth and nose when the dust storm hit.
27. The handkerchief was made of silk and was worth a small fortune.
28. She tucked the handkerchief into her pocket and walked away, pretending not to care.
29. He folded the handkerchief into a neat square and placed it in his suit pocket.
30. The embroidered handkerchief was too beautiful to use, so it stayed in a drawer for years.

Common Phases

1. She wiped her tears with her handkerchief;
2. He offered her his handkerchief;
3. The fabric of the handkerchief was soft;
4. She embroidered her initials on the handkerchief;
5. He tied the handkerchief around his neck as a makeshift bandana;
6. He handed her a handkerchief to blow her nose;
7. She folded the handkerchief neatly and placed it in her pocket;
8. The handkerchief had a delicate embroidered lace border;
9. He used the handkerchief to mop the sweat from his brow;
10. She dabbed a bit of perfume on the handkerchief before placing it in her purse.

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