Hangared example sentences

Related (15): aircraft, maintenance, storage, shelter, aviation, garage, protection, facility, space, airplane, hanger, preservation, security, parking, aeroplane

"Hangared" Example Sentences

1. The wealthy businessman hangared his private jet in the expensive hangar facility.
2. During the winter season, many small planes are hangared to avoid the harsh weather conditions.
3. The vintage airplane was carefully hangared to preserve its historical value.
4. My friend hangared his small aircraft at the local airport to make it easily accessible for weekend flights.
5. The helicopter was hangared at the military base after completing its mission.
6. The aviation company built a new hangar to store their fleet of planes.
7. The flight instructor instructed his students on the proper way to maneuver an aircraft in and out of the hangar.
8. The mechanic carefully cleaned and serviced the aircraft that was hangared for months.
9. The aviator's dream was to one day own a luxurious hangar for his private plane.
10. The airport hangar was bustling with activity as planes were prepared for takeoff.
11. The airplane owner hired a security guard to keep watch over his hangared plane.
12. The airport authority charged a fee for overnight hangaring of aircrafts.
13. The hangar doors opened with a loud rumbling sound as the jet taxied onto the runway.
14. The airplane enthusiasts were thrilled to tour the vintage hangared planes at the aviation museum.
15. The aviation mechanic spent countless hours repairing and maintaining aircrafts in the hangars.
16. The small local airport offered hangaring services for small propeller planes and helicopters.
17. The pilot skillfully taxied the plane into the hangar, narrowly avoiding hitting the wing on the walls.
18. The sun glinted off the polished metal of the hangared planes, making them even more impressive.
19. The aviation students were eager to learn about the safety procedures involved in hangaring airplanes.
20. The wealthy collector added yet another antique plane to his impressive hangar collection.
21. The airplane owner was proud to show off his newly constructed hangar to friends and family.
22. The airport staff worked quickly to hangar all the incoming planes during the approaching storm.
23. The aviation company invested in top-of-the-line hangars to ensure maximum safety for their aircrafts.
24. The military plane was hangared and maintained with strict security measures to ensure national safety.
25. The mechanic retrieved the necessary tools from the hangar before beginning the aircraft's maintenance.
26. The hangared planes were lined up neatly, almost like soldiers at attention.
27. The new hangar construction project was completed ahead of schedule, much to the delight of management.
28. The pilot skillfully flew the plane out of the hangar and up into the sky above.
29. The owner of the hangared plane had luxurious comfortable amenities added to the inside of the hangar.
30. The small-town airport's hangars were often rented by local residents for storing their private planes.

Common Phases

1. The aircraft is currently hangared for maintenance;
2. We need to hangar the plane for the winter season;
3. I'm going to look for a hangared space for my airplane;
4. They have hangared the helicopter after the flight;
5. The aircraft was hangared overnight;
6. He prefers to keep his private plane hangared at all times;
7. The owner wants to hangar his aircraft in a covered area;
8. They have a policy of hangaring all aircraft during severe weather;
9. Hangaring the plane keeps it protected from the elements;
10. The airport offers hangared storage options for different types of aircraft.

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