Hanging example sentences
Related (17): noose, rope, gallows, execution, lynching, scaffold, suspension, dangling, hanged, drop, neck, knot, strangulation, swings, decoration, tapestry, curtain.
hanging (noun) · hangings (plural noun)
- the practice of hanging condemned people as a form of capital punishment:
- a decorative piece of fabric or curtain hung on the wall of a room or around a bed:
- suspended in the air:
- situated or designed so as to appear to hang down:
hanging (present participle)
- suspend or be suspended from above with the lower part dangling free:
- attach or be attached to a wall:
- be adorned with (pictures or other decorations):
- attach or be attached so as to allow free movement about the point of attachment:
- (of fabric or a garment) be arranged in folds so as to droop in a specified way:
- paste (wallpaper) to a wall:
- kill (someone) by tying a rope attached from above around the neck and removing the support from beneath (used as a form of capital punishment):
- be killed by hanging:
- used in expressions as a mild oath:
- remain static in the air:
- be present or imminent, especially oppressively or threateningly:
- come or cause to come unexpectedly to a state in which no further operations can be carried out:
- spend time relaxing or enjoying oneself:
- deliver (a breaking pitch) that does not change direction as intended:
- (of a juror) prevent (a jury) from reaching a verdict by a dissenting vote.
gibbeting, execution, drape, curtain, drop, frontal, dossal, drapery, tab, pendent, suspended, dangling, swinging, swaying, trailing, flowing, falling, tumbling, pendulous, drooping, droopy, sagging, flaccid, pensile, dangle, swing, sway, depend, rise, fix, attach, affix, fasten, post, display, suspend, decorate, adorn, drape, festoon, bedeck, array, furnish, garland, swathe, cover, ornament, bedizen, caparison, furbelow, attach, gibbet, lynch, gibbet, lynch, hover, float, drift, linger, Legal"Hanging" Example Sentences
1. The chandeliers were hanging from the high ceiling.
2. The clothes were hanging on the line to dry.
3. The child was hanging from the monkey bars on the playground.
4. I found her hanging pictures on the living room wall.
5. The paintings were hanging in an art gallery.
6. The bats were hanging from the cave ceiling.
7. The vine was hanging from the tall tree.
8. He was hanging upside down from the tree branch.
9. The disco ball was hanging in the middle of the dance floor.
10. They were hanging Christmas lights and decorations.
11. The drapes were hanging on either side of the window.
12. The trophy was hanging on the wall in his study.
13. The toilet paper was hanging on the holder in the bathroom.
14. The judge sentenced him to hanging for his crimes.
15. The keys were hanging on the hook by the door.
16. The mistletoe was hanging in the doorway.
17. The blankets were hanging over the back of the couch.
18. The congregation was hanging their heads in prayer.
19. The orchids were hanging from the ceiling in baskets.
20. The lawn decorations were hanging from tree branches.
21. He was hanging upside down by his knees on the gymnastics rings.
22. The jalapeno peppers were hanging to dry on strings in the kitchen.
23. The wind chime was hanging on the porch, tinkling in the breeze.
24. The towels were hanging neatly on the rack in the bathroom.
25. They were hanging banners and signs in the gym for the game.
26. The lamp was hanging from the ceiling on a long gold chain.
27. The hammock was hanging between two trees in the yard.
28. I found her hanging from the rim of the doorway, lifeless.
29. The family photos were hanging on the walls of the hallway.
30. His head was hanging low as he walked with his shoulders slumped.
31. The ivy was hanging from the beams along the ceiling.
32. The wreath was hanging on the front door for the holidays.
33. I saw a spider hanging from its web.
34. The paper lanterns were hanging from the trees at the party.
35. The banners were hanging from the balcony railing.
36. The grapes were hanging heavy and purple from the vine.
37. The calendar was hanging on the wall near his desk.
38. She was hanging upside down from a bar on the playground.
39. The sailboat was hanging in the breeze, moving slowly across the water.
40. The wind chimes were hanging in the garden, tinkling merrily.
41. Knives were hanging from magnetic strips on the kitchen wall.
42. The basketball hoop was hanging over the driveway.
43. His cap was hanging on the bed post.
44. The fairy lights were hanging along the porch ceiling.
45. The dream catcher was hanging above the bed.
46. He was hanging from the cliff edge by one hand.
47. The burglar alarm keypad was hanging on the wall.
48. The sky lanterns were hanging in the air, floating away.
49. The firewood was hanging from the overhead rack in the garage.
50. The medals were hanging on the wall as a reminder of past glories.
51. The coat hooks were hanging on the back of the front door.
52. The party balloons were hanging from the ceiling.
53. The moose head was hanging on the wall above the fireplace.
54. Their hopes were hanging by a thread.
55. The piñata was hanging from the tree, waiting to be broken open.
56. His sad eyes were hanging heavy with unshed tears.
57. The beads were hanging in the doorway of the tent.
58. The tools were hanging on the wall of the garage workshop.
59. The boat was hanging from the davits, swaying gently.
60. The guard's club was hanging at his waist.
Common Phases
hanging by a thread - barely alive or continuing to exist based on little or fragile support
Everything is hanging by a thread now that the business' main client pulled out.
hangs heavy on - weighs heavily on someone's mind
The loss of his son hangs heavy on his heart.
hang loose - stay calm and relaxed
Hang loose man, everything will work out.
hang around - spend time in a place or with someone
I was just hanging around the house all day.
hang tough - persist through hard times or adversity
Hang tough, things will get better.
hang in there - persist; keep going despite difficulties
Hang in there, help is on the way!
go hang - informal used to tell someone to leave or disappear hastily
Go hang yourself!
hang fire - delay acting; hesitate, wait
The government is hanging fire on raising interest rates.
hang a left/right - turn left/right
Hang a left at the next corner.
the hanging judge - a judge known for sentencing many people to death
He was nicknamed the hanging judge for his severe punishments.
There are many colorful ways to express yourself using the word 'hanging' in English. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.