Hanker example sentences

Related (5): desire, crave, long, yearn, covet

"Hanker" Example Sentences

1. He hankers after a life of luxury and ease.
2. She hankers after fame and fortune.
3. I hanker for a nice cold beer after a long day's work.
4. He still hankers for the days of his youth.
5. She hankers after a new pair of shoes.
6. I hanker to be on the beach right now.
7. I still hanker for those childhood treats.
8. The old prospector hankered after gold.
9. He hankered after power and influence.
10. The home sick soldier hankered for his mother's cooking.
11. The teenager hankered for independence.
12. She hankered to get back to her adventurous travels.
13. The escaped prisoner hankered for freedom.
14. The prisoner hankered after the comforts of home.
15. The retired man hankered for his old job.
16. The weary traveler hankered for a hot meal and soft bed.
17. The fisherman hankered for the open sea.
18. He still hankered for his lost love.
19. The little girl hankered for a puppy.
20. The sick man hankered for good health.
21. The writer hankered after fame and literary acclaim.
22. The hiker hankered after a hot shower.
23. The woman hankered after a long vacation away from work.
24. The restaurant patron hankered for a nicely cooked steak.
25. The little boy hankered for sweets.
26. I hanker after that vintage car I saw the other day.
27. He hankers for the way things used to be.
28. After a hard day's work, I hanker for a nice glass of wine.
29. She hankers to be on stage performing.
30. The addict hankers for his next fix.
31. The ambitious politician hankered for higher office.
32. The teenage boy hankered for a new video game system.
33. The stranded motorist hankered for a gas station.
34. He hankers after the fame and money of being an actor.
35. I'll hanker to go back there someday.
36. The dieter hankered for the forbidden treats.
37. The stressed woman hankered for some time off work.
38. The executive hankered after the top job in the company.
39. The actress hankered for critical acclaim.
40. The runner hankered after victory in the next race.
41. I still hanker to drive that vintage Mustang I saw when I was a kid.
42. He hankers after the simpler, carefree days of his youth.
43. The tired mother hankered for time to herself.
44. The lonely woman hankered for male companionship.
45. The ambitious student hankered for a top university spot.
46. The businessman hankered after wealth and a lavish lifestyle.
47. The patient hankered to leave the confining hospital room.
48. The lonely child hankered for the love of her parents.
49. The starving refugee hankered for food.
50. The explorer hankered after adventure and discovery.
51. The depressed man hankered for happiness.
52. She hankered to spend time with her loved ones.
53. The poor man hankered after riches and status.
54. The athlete hankered after Olympic gold.
55. I hanker to travel the world some day.
56. The widow hankered for her lost husband.
57. The immigrant hankered for her home country.
58. The smoker hankered for his next cigarette.
59. The addict hankered after his next fix.
60. The caged bird hankered for freedom.

Common Phases

1. hanker after - to long for or desire greatly
2. hanker for - to desire or crave
3. hanker to (do something)- to want badly to do something
4. have a hankering for - to have a strong desire or craving for
5. hanker on - to continue longing or wishing for something
6. hanker up - to revive one's desire for something
7. hankering for - a strong desire or craving
8. trace of hanker - any remaining longing or craving
9. hanker down - settle or make oneself comfortable, often for bad weather
10. long-felt hanker - a yearning or desire lasting for a long time
So some common phrases are "hanker after", "hanker for", "have a hankering for", and "a hankering for" to express a strong desire or longing for something. The word "hanker" often suggests an intense or persistent craving.

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