Haunche example sentences

Related (9): thigh, hip, buttock, femur, glutes, tailbone, sacrum, coccyx, ischium.

"Haunche" Example Sentences

1. He sat on the haunches of the horse, enjoying the view.
2. The dog jumped up on its haunches to reach the treat.
3. Her haunches were sore after a long day of hiking.
4. The lion lay lazily on its haunches, watching its prey.
5. The weightlifter squatted on his haunches before lifting the barbell.
6. The horse's haunches were muscular and strong.
7. She leaned against the fence, her haunches resting on the bottom rail.
8. The cat curled up on its haunches and began to purr.
9. The sprinter crouched on his haunches before taking off.
10. The rabbit sat on its haunches and nibbled on a carrot.
11. The frog jumped up on its haunches and croaked loudly.
12. The elephant knelt on its haunches to drink from the river.
13. The skier flexed her haunches before pushing off from the starting line.
14. The gorilla thumped its haunches against its chest, indicating dominance.
15. The cow mooed as it shifted its haunches to lie down in the grass.
16. The wolf howled, its haunches quivering in the moonlight.
17. The bear stood on its hind haunches to reach the beehive.
18. The gymnast balanced on her haunches before flipping through the air.
19. The deer stood on its haunches to reach the leaves on the tree.
20. The kangaroo hopped forward on its powerful haunches.
21. The tiger stalked its prey, its haunches coiled and ready to pounce.
22. The soccer player kicked the ball with his haunches.
23. The llama deposited a pile of droppings behind it, near its haunches.
24. The cheetah raced across the savannah, its haunches propelling it forward.
25. The cowgirl perched on her haunches, surveying the landscape before her.
26. The mechanic crouched on his haunches to get a better look at the engine.
27. The ram butted its haunches against the gate, trying to escape the pen.
28. The bear licked its haunches, grooming its fur.
29. The horse bucked, throwing its rider onto its haunches.
30. The yoga instructor guided her students into a deep haunch stretch.

Common Phases

1. He rested his hand on his haunche, trying to catch his breath;
2. The weightlifter lifted the barbell with a grunt, his haunches flexing;
3. The dog sat on its haunches, waiting patiently for its owner;
4. The horse pawed at the ground with its haunches, ready to run;
5. She leaned against the wall, her haunches relaxed in a comfortable position;
6. The gymnast balanced on one haunch, showing off her flexibility;
7. The dancer dipped down on his haunches before leaping into the air;
8. The lioness crouched low on her haunches, ready to pounce;
9. The basketball player jumped high, propelling himself off his haunches;
10. The old man struggled to stand, his haunches stiff from sitting for too long.

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