Headsmanmiddle example sentences

Related (2): headsman, middleman

"Headsmanmiddle" Example Sentences

1. The headsman stood in the middle of the execution square.
2. The headsman's axe swung down towards the criminal's neck in the middle of the execution.
3. The executioner, also known as the headsman, stood in the middle of the platform.
4. The crowd watched in silence as the headsman prepared for the execution in the middle of the town square.
5. The prisoner's last sight was of the headsman's face in the middle of his final moments.
6. The headsman's blade gleamed in the sun as he stood in the middle of the crowd.
7. The headsman's job was to stand in the middle of the executioner's block and carry out the sentence.
8. The headsman's hooded appearance added to the eerie feeling in the middle of the execution square.
9. In the middle of the execution, the headsman made a mistake and had to start again.
10. The headsman's job was to stand in the middle of the crowd and carry out justice.
11. The headsman stood in the middle of the platform with the accused man kneeling before him.
12. The executioner's block in the middle of the square was where the headsman carried out his duties.
13. The headsman's middle-aged face was obscured by the hood he wore during executions.
14. The headsman's job was to stand in the middle of the stage and execute the wrongly accused man.
15. The headsman's axe found its mark in the middle of the execution, ending the criminal's life.
16. The headsman stood in the middle of the courtroom, waiting for the judge's sentence to be handed down.
17. The prisoner could feel the headsman's eyes on him as he stood in the middle of the square awaiting execution.
18. The headsman's executioner's block was placed in the middle of the town square for all to see.
19. The royal headsman stood in the middle of the castle keep, ready to carry out the king's orders.
20. The crowd was hushed as the headsman's axe swung down on the criminal's neck in the middle of the execution.
21. The accused man's eyes met the headsman's in the middle of the crowded execution square.
22. The headsman was a respected member of society, tasked with standing in the middle of the executioner's block to carry out sentences.
23. The headsman's family watched from the middle of the crowd as he carried out the king's orders.
24. The headsman's hooded figure stood in the middle of the platform, ready to carry out the sentence.
25. The headsman stood in the middle of the square, axe at the ready, waiting for the execution to begin.
26. The headsman's axe was heavy in his hand as he stood in the middle of the executioner's block.
27. The criminal's family watched in horror as the headsman's axe came down on his neck in the middle of the execution.
28. The headsman's job was to stand in the middle of the stage and execute the accused in front of the public.
29. The headsman's middle-aged face was contorted in concentration as he swung his axe down on the criminal's neck.
30. The headsman stood in the middle of the town square, his hooded face a frightening sight for all who witnessed his executions.

Common Phases

1. Crunching numbers; analyzing data; preparing reports: headsmanmiddle jobs are often tedious but essential for business success.
2. Drafting proposals; negotiating deals; closing contracts: headsmanmiddle professionals must possess excellent communication and negotiation skills.
3. Managing teams; delegating tasks; providing feedback: headsmanmiddle leaders are responsible for both motivating and managing their staff.
4. Conducting research; evaluating findings; presenting results: headsmanmiddle analysts use their expertise to inform strategic business decisions.
5. Developing marketing plans; executing campaigns; measuring performance: headsmanmiddle marketers work tirelessly to ensure their company's products or services reach their intended audience.
6. Designing blueprints; overseeing construction; inspecting finished projects: headsmanmiddle architects and engineers play a crucial role in turning building plans into reality.
7. Refining products; testing prototypes; incorporating feedback: headsmanmiddle engineers and product designers strive to create innovative and functional products.
8. Reviewing legal documents; representing clients in court; settling disputes: headsmanmiddle lawyers provide legal counsel and advocacy on behalf of their clients.
9. Preparing budgets; assessing financial risk; managing investments: headsmanmiddle finance professionals help ensure their company remains profitable and sustainable.
10. Developing software; debugging code; testing for usability: headsmanmiddle technical professionals help enable companies to take advantage of cutting-edge technology.

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