Headwinds example sentences

Related (6): challenges, obstacles, resistance, difficulties, setbacks, adversity

"Headwinds" Example Sentences

1. The airplane had to fly through strong headwinds, causing a delay in arrival time.
2. The boat struggled to make progress against the headwinds.
3. The cyclist battled against the fierce headwinds during the race.
4. The kite soared high in the sky on the strength of the headwinds.
5. The airplane pilot adjusted the flight path based on the direction of the headwinds.
6. The truck driver had to slow down due to the strong headwinds on the highway.
7. The headwinds made it difficult for the hot air balloon to move in a specific direction.
8. The sailors were grateful for the strong headwinds that helped them reach their destination faster.
9. The runner slowed down due to the headwinds that they were running against.
10. The helicopter pilot had to be extra cautious due to the unpredictable headwinds.
11. The rowing team had a tough time paddling through the headwinds.
12. The wind turbines spun rapidly thanks to the strong headwinds.
13. The headwinds caused the paraglider to lose altitude quickly.
14. The plane encountered unexpected headwinds on its flight path.
15. The equestrian struggled to control their horse against the headwinds.
16. The surfer rode the waves with ease thanks to the strong headwinds.
17. The cyclist used a lower gear to pedal against the headwinds.
18. The headwinds created large waves that crashed along the shore.
19. The wind chimes chimed loudly in the headwinds.
20. The pilot needed to refuel sooner than expected due to the headwinds.
21. The small airplane struggled to take off against the strong headwinds.
22. The headwinds caused the windmill to generate less energy than usual.
23. The sailboat raced through the water with the help of the headwinds.
24. The corn stalks bent over in the headwinds before standing straight again.
25. The migratory birds had to alter their flight patterns to avoid the headwinds.
26. The headwinds brought a chill to the air that made it feel colder than it was.
27. The headwinds made it difficult to hear anything on the open deck of the ship.
28. The headwinds forced the hang glider to make a quicker than expected landing.
29. The cyclist was elated when the headwinds turned into tailwinds, making the ride much easier.
30. The headwinds prevented the hot air balloon from rising to the desired altitude.

Common Phases

1) The company faced headwinds in the form of increased competition and declining sales;
2) The economy is experiencing headwinds due to global trade tensions and geopolitical uncertainties;
3) The project encountered headwinds from unexpected regulatory obstacles and budget cuts;
4) The airplane struggled to take off against strong headwinds;
5) The team had to fight through headwinds of dissent and differing opinions to reach a consensus.

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