Hecatombs example sentences

Related (6): sacrifice, slaughter, massacre, carnage, holocaust, bloodshed

"Hecatombs" Example Sentences

1. The ancient Greeks would often sacrifice hecatombs of animals to the gods.
2. The farmers of the village offered hecatombs of cattle in gratitude for the bountiful harvest.
3. The king demanded a hecatomb of lambs as tribute from his subjects.
4. The priest oversaw the slaughter of a hecatomb of bulls on the altar.
5. The smell of burning hecatombs filled the air as the temple priests conducted their ceremonies.
6. The wealthy merchant donated a hecatomb of oxen to the local temple as a gesture of goodwill.
7. The army sacrificed hecatombs of horses before going into battle.
8. The queen ordered a hecatomb of goats to be sacrificed in honor of her coronation.
9. The oracle prophesied that a hecatomb of pigs would appease the angry gods.
10. The sailors offered a hecatomb of chickens to the sea god before setting out on their voyage.
11. The festival of Apollo required a hecatomb of animals to be sacrificed over three days.
12. The king's victory was celebrated with a hecatomb of cattle being slaughtered in the town square.
13. The priestess chanted prayers while a hecatomb of sheep were led to the altar.
14. The custom was to sacrifice a hecatomb of animals at the harvest festival to ensure a good crop for the next year.
15. The villagers gathered to watch a hecatomb of goats being offered to the goddess of fertility.
16. The tribe offered a hecatomb of buffalo to the sun god in a ritual to ensure a successful hunt.
17. The temple was filled with the sounds of bleating and lowing as a hecatomb of animals were sacrificed during the ceremony.
18. The prince ordered a hecatomb of geese to be prepared for a feast in honor of his guests.
19. The travelers were horrified to witness a hecatomb of dolphins being slaughtered for meat on the beaches of Japan.
20. The priestesses wore white robes as they led the hecatomb of cows to their death.
21. The soldiers offered hecatombs of pigs and sheep to the war god before going into battle.
22. The king's daughter was selected to lead the hecatomb of goats for her purity and beauty.
23. The temple priests stored the meat from the hecatombs in a large communal freezer.
24. The ceremony required the hecatomb of animals to be arranged in a specific pattern on the altar.
25. The sacrifice of hecatombs was seen as a form of communication with the gods by the ancient Greeks.
26. The cattle market was bustling with activity as farmers prepared to sell their hecatombs.
27. The gods were said to have greedy appetites requiring hecatombs to be sacrificed regularly.
28. The local butcher was skilled at preparing hecatombs of animals for the temple ceremonies.
29. The hecatombs were often accompanied by music and dancing during the sacrificial ceremony.
30. The size of the hecatomb offered by a ruler was seen as a display of his wealth and power.

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