Helpline example sentences

Related (2): hotline, counseling

"Helpline" Example Sentences

1. I called the helpline for advice on how to cope with my depression.
2. She was so desperate she called the helpline for help.
3. The helpline is available to anyone who needs it.
4. I found the helpline to be a great source of support.
5. The helpline was a lifeline for me in my darkest hour.
6. The helpline was a beacon of hope in a time of despair.
7. The helpline provided me with the information I needed.
8. The helpline gave me the strength to carry on.
9. The helpline was a safe place to talk about my problems.
10. I was able to find the help I needed through the helpline.
11. The helpline was always there when I needed someone to talk to.
12. I was able to get the help I needed through the helpline.
13. The helpline was my refuge in a time of need.
14. I found solace in the helpline when I was feeling lost.
15. I was able to find the help I needed through the helpline's services.
16. The helpline was a source of comfort and support in my time of need.
17. I was able to get the help I needed through the helpline's support.
18. I was able to find the help I needed through the helpline's counseling services.
19. The helpline was a place where I could talk about my feelings without judgement.
20. The helpline provided me with the tools to help me cope with my depression.
21. I was able to find the help I needed through the helpline's hotline.
22. The helpline was a safe place for me to talk about my problems.
23. The helpline was a source of comfort and support in my time of distress.
24. The helpline provided me with the resources to help me manage my mental health.
25. I was able to find the help I needed through the helpline's online services.
26. I was able to get the help I needed through the helpline's telephone services.
27. The helpline was a place where I could talk to someone who understood my struggles.
28. The helpline gave me the courage to face my fears and move forward.
29. I was able to find the help I needed through the helpline's website.
30. The helpline was a place of refuge during a time of emotional turmoil.
31. The helpline gave me the strength to take control of my life.
32. I was able to get the help I needed through the helpline's chat service.
33. The helpline was a source of guidance and comfort in times of distress.
34. I was able to find the help I needed through the helpline's email services.
35. The helpline was a place of understanding and acceptance in a time of need.
36. The helpline provided me with the tools to help me overcome my struggles.
37. I was able to get the help I needed through the helpline's text message service.
38. The helpline was a source of hope and strength in a time of darkness.
39. I was able to find the help I needed through the helpline's 24-hour service.
40. The helpline was a place of solace and comfort during a time of crisis.

Common Phases

Call the helpline; Speak to an operator; Explain the problem; Receive advice; Follow the advice.

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