Hemicrania example sentences

Related (4): headache, migraine, cephalgia, neuralgia

"Hemicrania" Example Sentences

1. His hemicrania was so severe that he had to take a long break from work.
2. He had been suffering from hemicrania for years, but he never gave up on life.
3. The doctor prescribed medication to help alleviate his hemicrania.
4. She was diagnosed with hemicrania after a series of tests.
5. She was relieved when the medication finally helped to ease her hemicrania.
6. He was determined to find a cure for his hemicrania.
7. The hemicrania was so bad that he had to stay in bed for days.
8. He was in so much pain from his hemicrania that he couldn't move.
9. He was prescribed a special medication to help with his hemicrania.
10. After months of suffering from hemicrania, he finally found relief.
11. He was desperate to find a way to manage his hemicrania.
12. He was unable to sleep due to the severity of his hemicrania.
13. She was prescribed a new medication to help with her hemicrania.
14. He was determined to find a way to relieve his hemicrania.
15. He tried many different treatments for his hemicrania with no success.
16. He was relieved when the medication finally helped to ease his hemicrania.
17. He was diagnosed with hemicrania after a series of tests.
18. His hemicrania was so severe that he had to take a break from work.
19. He had to take medication to help with his hemicrania.
20. He was desperate to find a cure for his hemicrania.
21. He was prescribed a special medication to help with his hemicrania.
22. He was relieved when the medication finally helped to ease his hemicrania.
23. She tried many different treatments for her hemicrania with no success.
24. He was determined to find a way to manage his hemicrania.
25. He was unable to sleep due to the severity of his hemicrania.
26. She was relieved when the medication finally helped to ease her hemicrania.
27. He was desperate to find a way to relieve his hemicrania.
28. He tried many different treatments for his hemicrania with no success.
29. She was prescribed a new medication to help with her hemicrania.
30. He was determined to find a way to manage his hemicrania.
31. He was unable to sleep due to the severity of his hemicrania.
32. He was desperate to find a way to relieve his hemicrania.
33. He tried many different treatments for his hemicrania with no success.
34. He was relieved when the medication finally helped to ease his hemicrania.
35. He was prescribed a special medication to help with his hemicrania.
36. She was relieved when the medication finally helped to ease her hemicrania.
37. She was diagnosed with hemicrania after a series of tests.
38. His hemicrania was so severe that he had to take a long break from work.
39. She was prescribed a new medication to help with her hemicrania.
40. He was determined to find a cure for his hemicrania.

Common Phases

Hemicrania continua; Migraine without aura; Cluster headache; Tension-type headache.

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