Hend example sentences

Related (3): hendecagon, hendecasyllable, hendiadys

"Hend" Example Sentences

1. She was about to take off her dress when hend voice interrupted her.
2. His hend step was heavy as he walked away.
3. His hend step was the only sound in the room.
4. The hend time she saw him, she knew it was love.
5. The hend time she saw him, she felt her heart sink.
6. He felt his heart jump at the sound of her hend voice.
7. His hend words were like a dagger to her heart.
8. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest at the hend of his words.
9. She could feel her cheeks flush at the hend of his touch.
10. His hend gaze made her feel like she was being seen for the first time.
11. The hend of his song filled the room with emotion.
12. His hend laugh was infectious and she couldn't help but join in.
13. The hend of the story left her with a feeling of hope.
14. She felt a wave of relief wash over her at the hend of the day.
15. The hend of the journey was bittersweet for them both.
16. His hend kiss was like a dream come true.
17. His hend hug was like a warm embrace in the cold.
18. His hend words gave her the courage to keep going.
19. She felt a wave of sadness wash over her at the hend of the movie.
20. The hend of the story left her feeling inspired and hopeful.
21. His hend embrace was like a shield against the world.
22. His hend touch was like a balm to her soul.
23. His hend words were like a soothing lullaby to her ears.
24. His hend voice was like a gentle whisper in her ear.
25. The hend of the night brought a feeling of peace and contentment.
26. His hend smile was like a ray of sunshine in her life.
27. She felt a wave of joy wash over her at the hend of the song.
28. His hend words were like a balm for her aching heart.
29. His hend laugh was like a ray of light in the darkness.
30. The hend of the book left her feeling like she had been on a journey.
31. His hend gaze was like a warm embrace in the cold.
32. His hend touch was like a soothing balm for her soul.
33. His hend words were like a soothing balm for her troubled thoughts.
34. His hend laugh was like a ray of sunshine in her life.
35. The hend of the story left her feeling inspired and hopeful.
36. His hend embrace was like a shield against the world.
37. She felt a wave of joy wash over her at the hend of the song.
38. His hend kiss was like a dream come true.
39. His hend hug was like a warm embrace in the cold.
40. His hend words gave her the courage to keep going.

Common Phases

hend out; hend up; hend in; hend over; hend on

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