"Heresy" Example Sentences
1. The priest accused him of religious heresy.
2. To question their beliefs was considered heresy.
3. Blasphemy and heresy would not be tolerated.
4. His nonconformist views were seen as heresy by the church.
5. The concept of evolution was viewed as heretic by the clergy.
6. The mere suggestion was considered scientific heresy.
7. He was tried for heresy and burned at the stake.
8. Any deviation from doctrine was labeled as heresy.
9. His unorthodox views were seen as intellectual heresy.
10. The only punishment for heresy was death.
11. The accusation of heresy threatened to destroy his reputation.
12. The church condemned his teachings as heretical.
13. Medieval heresy trials were often cruel spectacles of punishment.
14. His criticism of church dogma was labeled political heresy.
15. Her novel ideas were dismissed as mere artistic heresy.
16. His claims were seen as philosophical heresy by the academics.
17. Her feminist leanings were characterized as gender heresy.
18. Dissent was labeled as dangerous heresy.
19. Reason was cast as the ultimate heresy.
20. He was excommunicated for his religious heresy.
21. Any whiff of heresy was swiftly investigated.
22. The mob shouted for his blood, crying heretic.
23. His theories were condemned as scientific heresy.
24. To question authority was deemed heretical.
25. Questioning the status quo was seen as intellectual heresy.
26. The speaker was widely denounced for his theological heresy.
27. She spoke out against political heresy.
28. His views were decried as moral heresy.
29. Any deviation from orthodoxy was considered heretical.
30. The mere suggestion of doubt was seen as spiritual heresy.
31. His dissenting opinions resulted in accusations of ideological heresy.
32. His cultural criticisms were interpreted as ethnic heresy.
33. Any revolt against tradition was condemned as heresy.
34. Heretical tendencies tend to abound most in those who think freely.
35. Ideological purists denounce alternative viewpoints as heresy.
36. He was excommunicated for theological heresy.
37. Religious fanaticism punishes heresy with violence.
38. His scientific theories constituted professional heresy.
39. Political dissent was deemed heretical.
40. Academic orthodoxy tolerated no philosophical heresy.
41. Historical revisionism was condemned as scholarly heresy.
42. His liberal views were seen as racial heresy.
43. The dictator punished all forms of political heresy severely.
44. Her sense of justice rebelled against religious heresy.
45. Artistic innovation could be viewed as aesthetic heresy.
46. Any variation from status quo thinking constituted cultural heresy.
47. The village gossip labeled her unmarried status as moral heresy.
48. His lack of patriotism was condemned as treasonous heresy.
49. The stigma of heresy followed him for the rest of his life.
50. Rituals of repentance were required to redeem heretical views.
51. The charge of heresy ruined his life and reputation.
52. Her banned books promoted intellectual heresy.
53. Sexual freedom was seen as moral heresy.
54. Revolutionaries questioned all traditional forms as heretical.
55. Those who open their minds to heresy rarely shut them again.
56. His contrarian views earned him the label of professional heresy.
57. Those in power punish heresy while promoting their own orthodoxy.
58. Questions were seen as heresy, dogma as truth.
59. Simple human curiosity can be branded as the greatest heresy of all.
60. Intolerance of new ideas is a far greater heresy than any new idea could ever be.
Common Phases
• Cries of
heresy - Used to refer to strong objections or condemnation of something seen as heretical
• Accused of
heresy - Formally charged with holding or promoting heretical beliefs
• Condemned as
heresy - Declared to be morally or intellectually wrong and opposed to accepted doctrine
• Dismissed as
heresy - Rejected and treated as a false or unorthodox belief
• Labeled
heresy - Given the designation of being contrary to accepted doctrine
• Punishing
heresy - Using penalties or sanctions against people accused of promoting heretical ideas
• Preaching
heresy - Publicly advocating ideas that go against religious doctrine
• Viewed as
heresy - Considered to be an unacceptable or false belief from an orthodox perspective
• Root out
heresy - Get rid of false or nonstandard beliefs seen as contradicting accepted religious teachings
• Orthodoxy versus
heresy - The conflict or dichotomy between accepted religious norms and unconventional ideas seen as heretical
• Burned for
heresy - Killed (often by burning at the stake) as punishment for espousing heretical beliefs
• Branding something
heresy- Giving something the negative label of being opposed to accepted religious doctrine
• Persecution of
heresy - The oppression, repression, or harsh treatment of those perceived as promoting heretical doctrines
• Charge of
heresy - A formal allegation of holding or advocating doctrines contrary to religious dogma