Hexapartite example sentences

Related (5): sextuple, sixfold, six-parted, six-party, six-sided

"Hexapartite" Example Sentences

1. The hexapartite trade agreement was signed by six different nations.
2. This hexapartite division of the project ensures that each team member has a specific role.
3. The hexapartite structure of the molecule is what gives it its unique properties.
4. The hexapartite system for classifying organisms includes six different kingdoms.
5. The hexapartite council is made up of representatives from six different departments.
6. The hexapartite approach to problem-solving involves breaking down the issue into six distinct parts.
7. The hexapartite negotiation strategy is designed to ensure that all parties are satisfied with the outcome.
8. This hexapartite team of scientists is working on a groundbreaking new technology.
9. The hexapartite voting system ensures that each member of the committee has an equal say.
10. The hexapartite model of the atom is still used to teach students in schools today.
11. The hexapartite legal framework regulates the relationship between six different parties.
12. The hexapartite architecture of the building is what makes it so beautiful.
13. This hexapartite schedule ensures that each employee works a fair number of hours.
14. The hexapartite strategy for marketing involves targeting six different demographics.
15. The hexapartite musical composition is a masterpiece of modern music.
16. The hexapartite method of measuring customer satisfaction takes into account six factors.
17. This hexapartite education program is designed to meet the needs of six different learning styles.
18. The hexapartite social structure of the insect world is a fascinating subject of study.
19. The hexapartite security system provides six layers of protection for your home.
20. The hexapartite approach to fitness includes six different types of exercise.
21. The hexapartite design of the website ensures that it is user-friendly for people of all abilities.
22. The hexapartite plan for disaster relief involves coordinating efforts between six different agencies.
23. The hexapartite system for measuring environmental impact takes into account six different factors.
24. The hexapartite model of the brain has helped researchers understand how different parts of the brain work together.
25. The hexapartite economic system is based on six different principles.
26. The hexapartite process for hiring new employees ensures that each candidate is thoroughly evaluated.
27. The hexapartite organizational structure of the company places each employee into one of six departments.
28. The hexapartite model of the solar system has been used for centuries to teach students about planetary movements.
29. The hexapartite approach to conflict resolution involves finding common ground between six different parties.
30. The hexapartite framework for analyzing literature takes into account six different elements of a text.

Common Phases

1. The hexapartite structure of our project team includes three internal departments and three external partners.
2. The hexapartite negotiations were intense, but ultimately resulted in a mutually beneficial agreement.
3. The hexapartite approach to analyzing data allowed us to identify key trends and patterns across six different factors.
4. The hexapartite framework for evaluating risk factors helped us to prioritize our mitigation strategies.
5. The hexapartite model of stakeholder engagement ensured that all voices were heard and included in the decision-making process.

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