Hider example sentences

Related (9): concealer, cloaker, masker, camouflager, disguiser, veiler, obscurationist, stealthist, secret-keeper

"Hider" Example Sentences

1. The hider was skillfully concealed in the bushes.
2. I'll be the hider for this game of hide-and-seek.
3. The hider thought they had found the perfect hiding spot, but they were wrong.
4. As the hider, I had to wait patiently until the seekers gave up looking.
5. The hider giggled as the seekers passed by without noticing them.
6. With a mischievous grin, the hider darted behind a tree.
7. The hider stayed quiet so the seekers wouldn't hear them breathing.
8. The hider snickered as the seekers began to argue over where they might be hiding.
9. The hider was so good at hiding that it took the seekers hours to find them.
10. When it was my turn to be the hider, I climbed up into the attic and closed the trapdoor.
11. The hider peeked out from behind the rock, hoping the seekers wouldn't spot them.
12. The hider crouched low, blending in with the shadows.
13. The hider held their breath as the seekers came dangerously close to their hiding spot.
14. The hider scampered away as soon as the seekers turned their backs.
15. The hider was caught when their foot accidentally kicked a fallen branch.
16. The hider let out a yelp of surprise as the seekers ambushed them.
17. The hider was disqualified for hiding in the forbidden area.
18. The hider tried to stifle their laughter as the seekers searched the wrong area.
19. The hider had to improvise when their original hiding spot was compromised.
20. The hider had come prepared with a spare hiding place, just in case.
21. The hider was impressed by how thorough the seekers were in their search.
22. The hider slipped away undetected when the seekers were distracted by something else.
23. The hider was caught when their phone rang, giving away their position.
24. The hider had to crawl through a tight space to reach their hiding spot.
25. The hider poked their head out of the tall grass, hoping to see the seekers wandering in the wrong direction.
26. The hider had covered themselves in mud to blend in with the surrounding terrain.
27. The hider shivered in the cold, wishing they had brought a warmer coat.
28. The hider twirled a twig between their fingers, trying to stay calm and patient.
29. The hider was relieved when the game was finally over and they could stop hiding.
30. The hider grinned at their victory, having stayed hidden until the very end.

Common Phases

1. Where did the hider go?;
2. I can't find the hider!;
3. The hider is a pro at hiding!;
4. Who was the hider in your game?;
5. The hider must be really good at hiding!;
6. I hope the hider is not lost!;
7. Who is the best hider in the group?;
8. The hider will never be found!;
9. The hider is always one step ahead!;
10. Can you give me a hint to find the hider?

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