Hieratically example sentences

Related (10): ritualistically, ceremoniously, formally, solemnly, decorously, pompously, grandiloquently, reverentially, worshipfully, consecratedly

"Hieratically" Example Sentences

1. The ancient Egyptian priests used hieratically written inscriptions on temple walls to protect their sacred knowledge.
2. The hieratically illustrated papyri found in the tombs of the pharaohs are amazing works of art.
3. The hieratically arranged icons in the Orthodox Church are a reminder of the spiritual world beyond this one.
4. The hieratically signed contract between two Egyptian merchants is considered one of the earliest known legal documents.
5. The hieratically performed Sufi rituals are infused with mystical symbolism and meaning.
6. The hieratically trained scribes who worked for the Chinese emperor played a key role in government administration.
7. The hieratically chanted prayers of the Buddhist monks transport the listener to a state of inner peace and tranquility.
8. The hieratically arranged symbols on the Ouija board supposedly allow communication with the spirit world.
9. The hieratically inscribed cuneiform tablets are used to record everything from taxes to prayers in ancient Mesopotamia.
10. The hieratically painted frescoes in medieval cathedrals depict scenes from the life of Christ and the saints.
11. The hieratically adorned Mayan pyramids were constructed with precise astronomical alignments and mathematical calculations.
12. The hieratically carved idols of Hindu gods are objects of profound veneration and devotion among believers.
13. The hieratically arranged Tarot cards are used in divination to gain insights into present and future events.
14. The hieratically formed Shinto shrines are considered sacred gateways between the mundane and the spiritual realms.
15. The hieratically constructed ziggurats of ancient Babylon were massive structures that served as both temples and observatories.
16. The hieratically engraved runestones of Viking Scandinavia were used to commemorate the deceased and convey heroic deeds.
17. The hieratically crafted talismans of the African witch doctors are believed to possess mystical powers of protection and healing.
18. The hieratically decorated Torah scrolls of the Jewish synagogues contain the sacred writings of the Old Testament.
19. The hieratically written spells of the Egyptian magicians were said to possess the ability to control the forces of nature.
20. The hieratically executed calligraphy of the Chinese literati is considered a high art form in East Asia.
21. The hieratically composed hymns of the Christian church inspire feelings of devotion and piety among believers.
22. The hieratically arranged stones of the Stonehenge monument are evidence of the advanced astronomical knowledge of the ancient Britons.
23. The hieratically transcribed sutras of the Buddhist scriptures are considered sacred teachings of the Buddha himself.
24. The hieratically formed mandalas of the Tibetan Buddhists are intricate designs meant to symbolize the cosmic order of the universe.
25. The hieratically arranged symbols of the Native American dreamcatchers are believed to have the power to ward off nightmares and evil spirits.
26. The hieratically painted murals of the ancient Mesoamerican civilizations reveal a rich tapestry of cultural beliefs and practices.
27. The hieratically engraved seals of the ancient Near East were used to authenticate documents and signify ownership.
28. The hieratically composed chants of the Gregorian monks are renowned for their timeless beauty and spiritual depth.
29. The hieratically carved totem poles of the Pacific Northwest tribes serve as family histories and cultural memorials.
30. The hieratically arranged mudras of the Hindu yogis and Buddhist monks are hand gestures that symbolize different spiritual qualities and states.

Common Phases

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