Hirsuteness example sentences

Related (10): hairiness, fuzziness, shagginess, bushiness, wooliness, bristliness, unshavenness, beardedness, furiness, whiskeredness

"Hirsuteness" Example Sentences

1. His hirsuteness was quite impressive, with hair covering every inch of his body.
2. Her lack of hirsuteness made her a popular model for hair removal products.
3. I struggle with my hirsuteness, constantly shaving and waxing to maintain a clean appearance.
4. The man's hirsuteness caused him to overheat easily in the summer months.
5. Despite his hirsuteness, he still managed to look quite handsome and rugged.
6. Her hirsuteness was a source of embarrassment for her, causing her to avoid going to the beach or pool.
7. The medical condition that causes excessive hirsuteness is known as hypertrichosis.
8. The barber had to use clippers to trim the hirsuteness of the man's beard.
9. The musician's hirsuteness added to his wild and eccentric stage persona.
10. I envy my boyfriend's hirsuteness, wishing I had more than just a sparse peach fuzz on my legs.
11. The model's hirsuteness was celebrated as a bold new statement of beauty and body positivity.
12. Over time, he grew to embrace his hirsuteness and wear it as a badge of pride.
13. The baby's hirsuteness at such a young age was concerning to the doctors.
14. I can't help but feel envious of my brother's hirsuteness, which he seems to barely maintain.
15. His hirsuteness made him a prime candidate for playing the role of a werewolf in a Hollywood film.
16. The woman's hirsuteness was so extreme that she had to shave her entire body on a daily basis.
17. His excessive hirsuteness was caused by a rare genetic mutation.
18. Despite his hirsuteness, the man was able to excel in his career as a professional swimmer.
19. The actress was required to shave her head for a role that required hirsuteness.
20. The man's hirsuteness was such that he was often mistaken for a bear in the woods.
21. The woman's hirsuteness caused her to have a lot of self-doubt and insecurity.
22. The dark hirsuteness of his chest hair was a tell-tale sign of his Mediterranean heritage.
23. Despite her hirsuteness, the woman managed to become a world-renowned beauty influencer.
24. The man's hirsuteness was a source of constant teasing and bullying during his childhood.
25. The character's hirsuteness was a key aspect of their costume design and makeup for the film.
26. Hair removal has become a booming industry for those struggling with hirsuteness.
27. The man's hirsuteness made it difficult for him to be hired for certain jobs in the corporate world.
28. The model's hirsuteness was seen as a refreshing departure from the typical hairless ideal of the fashion industry.
29. The hirsuteness of his beard made him look much older than his actual age.
30. The woman's hirsuteness was a recurring joke in her friend group, but she always took it with good humor.

Common Phases

1. His hirsuteness was evident with the thick beard he had grown.
2. Despite his hirsuteness, he refused to shave his chest hair.
3. The actor's hirsuteness was praised for its rugged and masculine appearance.
4. She found his hirsuteness endearing and enjoyed playing with his beard.
5. The barber was impressed by the hirsuteness of his client's mustache.
6. He enjoyed his hirsuteness and would often stroke his bushy eyebrows.
7. The older man's hirsuteness was a testament to his maturity and experience.

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