Hivesorigin example sentences

Related (8): Hives, Itching, Swelling, Rash, Histamine, Redness, Antihistamine, Inflammation.

"Hivesorigin" Example Sentences

1. My skin erupted in itchy red bumps, signaling the onset of hivesorigin.
2. She suspected that the new face cream was the hivesorigin.
3. The doctor prescribed antihistamines to alleviate the hivesorigin.
4. The allergic reaction caused hivesorigin all over her body.
5. I woke up covered in hivesorigin, unsure of what had caused them.
6. Eating shellfish always triggers hivesorigin for him.
7. The hivesorigin was a strong reaction to the medication she was taking.
8. He had to stop using the laundry detergent because it was the hivesorigin.
9. The hivesorigin started with a weird tingling sensation on her skin.
10. She was unable to pinpoint the hivesorigin, despite trying to identify all possible allergens.
11. His hivesorigin was likely due to contact with poison ivy.
12. The hivesorigin can be a symptom of a more serious allergic reaction.
13. The hivesorigin on his neck and face made him self-conscious.
14. Her hivesorigin lasted for several days before finally subsiding.
15. I went to see a dermatologist to determine the hivesorigin on my skin.
16. The doctor suggested a food allergy test to determine the hivesorigin.
17. Stress can also be a hivesorigin, even in those without allergies.
18. The hivesorigin persisted even after using over-the-counter remedies.
19. He started breaking out in hivesorigin after switching to a new brand of shampoo.
20. The hivesorigin seemed to be getting worse instead of better.
21. She suffered from chronic hivesorigin and had to be vigilant about triggers.
22. The hivesorigin could sometimes indicate a more serious underlying condition.
23. His hivesorigin was a reaction to the medication he had been prescribed.
24. The hivesorigin on her face made it difficult to hide from others.
25. She tried several moisturizers to alleviate the hivesorigin, but none seemed to help.
26. The hivesorigin caused her extreme discomfort and made it hard to sleep.
27. The hivesorigin was likely due to her pet dander allergy.
28. He had to cancel his plans due to the severity of the hivesorigin.
29. The hivesorigin was a wake-up call to be more careful about exposure to allergens.
30. She took antihistamines and applied ice packs to relieve the hivesorigin on her arms and legs.

Common Phases

you have hivesorigin on your skin?; It looks like hivesorigin are spreading quickly.; My doctor thinks my hivesorigin may be an allergic reaction.; I need to find a way to relieve the itching and swelling of my hivesorigin.; Have you ever experienced hivesorigin before?; I'm afraid my hivesorigin might be a chronic condition.; The hivesorigin on my legs are extremely painful.; I've been taking an antihistamine to help with my hivesorigin.; I hope my hivesorigin go away soon.; The doctor prescribed a topical ointment for my hivesorigin.

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