Homileticsfrom example sentences

Related (10): preaching, sermonizing, moralizing, sermons, exhortation, declamation, discourse, oratory, rhetoric, persuasion.

"Homileticsfrom" Example Sentences

1. Homileticsfrom the Greek word “homilia,” meaning “discourse.”
2. Homileticsfrom is the study of preaching or sermon preparation.
3. The art of homileticsfrom involves crafting compelling messages to inspire and enlighten.
4. Understanding homileticsfrom is essential for those who aspire to be effective religious leaders.
5. Homileticsfrom is not just about the content of the sermon, but also the delivery.
6. Many religious institutions offer courses in homileticsfrom to help train future preachers.
7. The principles of homileticsfrom can also be applied to other forms of public speaking.
8. Homileticsfrom requires a deep understanding of scripture and religious history.
9. The best homileticsfrom combines intellectual rigor with emotional resonance.
10. Good homileticsfrom helps preachers connect with their congregations on a personal level.
11. Homileticsfrom is a critical tool for those who seek to spread the gospel.
12. Homileticsfrom is rooted in the belief that words can have a transformative impact.
13. Effective homileticsfrom requires both preparation and spontaneity.
14. Many seminaries offer graduate degrees in homileticsfrom.
15. Homileticsfrom has been a part of religious tradition for centuries.
16. The art of homileticsfrom is constantly evolving as new technologies and cultural shifts arise.
17. Homileticsfrom is a craft that requires both talent and hard work.
18. Homileticsfrom is not just about delivering a message, but also receiving one.
19. Homileticsfrom can help preachers cultivate compassion and empathy.
20. Homileticsfrom helps preachers become better listeners and better communicators.
21. Homileticsfrom can also help individuals become more confident in their ability to speak in public.
22. The art of homileticsfrom is not just for religious leaders, but for anyone who wants to be a better communicator.
23. Homileticsfrom demands that preachers be deeply committed to their faith and their congregation.
24. Homileticsfrom can help preachers confront difficult topics with sensitivity and care.
25. The goal of homileticsfrom is not just to entertain crowds, but to educate and inspire.
26. Homileticsfrom is not just about reciting scripture, but also incorporating personal anecdotes and insights.
27. Effective homileticsfrom requires preachers to be vulnerable and honest with their audiences.
28. Homileticsfrom is about creating a space where listeners can experience transformation and growth.
29. Homileticsfrom can help preachers become better leaders and better advocates for social justice.
30. The principles of homileticsfrom can be applied to any setting where communication and persuasion are important.
31. Homileticsfrom helps preachers become more attuned to the needs of their congregation.
32. Homileticsfrom can help preachers better understand the complexities of the human experience.
33. The art of homileticsfrom requires preachers to be both compassionate and courageous.
34. Homileticsfrom can help preachers cultivate a sense of community and belonging among their listeners.
35. Effective homileticsfrom requires preachers to be open to feedback and willing to learn from their mistakes.
36. The best homileticsfrom strikes a balance between tradition and innovation.
37. Homileticsfrom can help preachers challenge their audiences to think deeply and critically about their lives.
38. Homileticsfrom is not just about delivering a message, but also creating a sacred space where transformation can occur.
39. Effective homileticsfrom requires preachers to be authentic and transparent with their audiences.
40. Homileticsfrom helps preachers craft messages that are both engaging and impactful.

Common Phases

1. Homiletics is the art and science of preaching;
2. Homiletics requires the ability to understand and communicate Biblical principles;
3. Homiletics focuses on delivering powerful and effective sermons;
4. Homiletics involves the use of rhetorical and persuasive techniques to engage listeners;
5. Homiletics requires careful preparation and study of the Scriptures;
6. Homiletics is an important skill for pastors and religious leaders.

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