Hover example sentences
Related (5): levitate, float, suspend, hang, glide
"Hover" Example Sentences
1. The helicopter hovered over the scene.
2. Clouds hovered low over the mountains.
3. The boy hovered nearby, unsure if he should approach.
4. A sense of uncertainty hovered in the air.
5. Memories of her hovered close to the surface.
6. Her hand hovered over the button, hesitating to push it.
7. Dreams of the future hovered in his mind.
8. Arguments hovered just beneath the surface of their interactions.
9. The threat of danger hovered ominously.
10. The possibility of failure hovered in the back of his mind.
11. The specter of death hovered over the ill patient.
12. Danger hovered around every corner.
13. A cloud of anxiety hovered around her.
14. The possibility of success hovered just out of reach.
15. His hand hovered close, hesitating to touch her.
16. Clouds hovered low, obscuring the mountains.
17. Questions continued to hover unasked.
18. A faint smile hovered on her lips.
19. Her eyes hovered over the proposal, uncertain.
20. The possibility of romance hovered between them.
21. His hand hovered near her cheek, wanting to touch her skin.
22. The drone hovered high, capturing footage from above.
23. The shade of trees hovered nearby, tempting.
24. The smell of coffee hovered enticingly in the air.
25. Fireflies hovered around the garden, blinking on and off.
26. An idea hovered just out of reach, eluding her efforts to grasp it.
27. Smog hovered over the city, obscuring the tops of buildings.
28. A question hovered on the tip of his tongue.
29. The hypnotist's watch hovered in front of the subject's face.
30. Their bird feeders hovered with activity throughout the winter months.
31. Doubt hovered around every corner.
32. Allegations continued to hover over the politician's career.
33. The new threat of war hovered menacingly.
34. The presence of sharks hovered just below the surface.
35. Her ghostly figure hovered between this world and the next.
36. The possible ramifications hovered threateningly in her mind.
37. A hummingbird hovered just inches from her face.
38. Mist hovered low over the marsh in the early morning.
39. The drone's camera continued to hover, watching their every move.
40. Memories of him still hovered in the back of her mind.
41. Her gaze hovered on the engagement ring, contemplating.
42. The helicopter continued to hover, circling the burning building.
43. A sense of foreboding hovered over the city.
44. Wasps hovered around the jam jar, drawn to the sweet scent.
45. Questions continued to hover unasked between them.
46. The teacher's eyes hovered over his desk, watching for any misbehavior.
47. His hand hovered uncertainly over the small of her back.
48. Doubt continued to hover around him, preventing any action.
49. The balloon hovered just out of reach of the jumping child.
50. The shadow of uncertainty hovered at the back of his joyful thoughts.
51. The ominous threat of layoffs hovered over the employees.
52. The stench of smoke hovered in the corridor after the fire.
53. A sense of discomfort hovered around the awkward pause in conversation.
54. Distant memories hovered just out of reach.
55. She felt the ghost of her grandmother hover nearby.
56. Her aunts' stern gaze continued to hover over her shoulder.
57. Possibilities and what-ifs continued to hover in her imagination.
58. The drone continued to hover, watching their every move.
59. Mist continued to hover low over the valley in the morning chill.
60. Her hand hovered over the call button, unsure whether to press it.
Common Phases
1. The butterfly hovered over the flower.
2. My hand hovered over the mouse, hesitating to click submit.
3. The drone hovered in the air, surveying the area below.
4. I hovered by the door, too shy to walk in.
5. The helicopter hovered above our heads.
6. The hawk hovered in the sky looking for its prey.
7. The locusts hovered over the crops.
8. His loving eyes hovered on her face.
9. The cursor hovered over the delete button.
10. The plane hovered above the stadium.
11. The hummingbird hovered over the feeder.
12. I hovered the rubber over the paper, trying to decide where to erase.
13. The drone pilot tried to hover the drone in place for the perfect shot.
14. Her unsure hand hovered over the controls.
15. The ghost seemed to hover in the corner of the room.
16. Her hand hovered over the dog's head, unsure if she should pet it.
17. My cursor hovered over the send button, nervous to complete the email.
18. The FedEx plane hovered low over the city.
19. His hand hovered over hers, wanting to hold it.
20. The presence seemed to hover around her.
21. The question hovered on the tip of my tongue.
22. The swarm of gnats hovered over the veggie garden.
23. Her eyes hovered on the screen, refusing to blink.
24. My cursor hovered over the innocent button, plotting a click.
25. The sword hovered over the prince's neck.
26. The helicopter hovered above the burning building.
27. The basketball hovered on the rim before falling through the net.
28. My finger hovered over the power button, undecided.
29. The bee hovered over the flowers, gathering nectar.
30. The hawk hovered in the air, searching for any sign of movement.
31. The drones hovered inches above our heads.
32. Her hopes hovered just out of reach.
33. My guilt hovered in the background of my mind.
34. The camera hovered over the wreckage.
35. His threats hovered in the air between them.
36. His hand hovered protectively over the wound.
37. The scent of apple pie hovered through the house.
38. His accusations hovered in the room like a dark cloud.
39. The smell of fresh bread hovered over the bakery.
40. My mind hovered between sleep and wakefulness.
41. The prospect of defeat hovered over them.
42. The balloon hovered just out of reach of the toddler's grasping hands.
43. The threat of eviction hovered over their heads.
44. The scent of smoke hovered in the air.
45. The laws hovered over them like an impending storm.
46. My hand hovered over the Tetris block, trying to decide where to place it.
47. The bee hovered at the edge of the flower bed.
48. My eyes hovered over his photo, reluctant to move on.
49. The drone's camera hovered over the party, capturing the action below.
50. The flag hovered limply on the still pole.
51. The doubt hovered in her mind like an unwelcome visitor.
52. The doorknob seemed to hover just out of reach.
53. Curious eyes hovered over her shoulder.
54. The memories hovered just below the surface of her mind.
55. The prospect of failure hovered at the edge of her thoughts.
56. The priest's hand hovered over the baptismal font.
57. The teacher's shadow hovered over my desk.
58. His hot breath hovered next to my ear.
59. The spirit seemed to hover around the medium.
60. The lost opportunity hovered in the back of my mind.