Humdinger example sentences

Related (6): humdinger, outstanding, remarkable, exceptional, phenomenal, impressive.

"Humdinger" Example Sentences

1. That movie we watched last night was a real humdinger.
2. John just caught the biggest fish of the day, a real humdinger.
3. Her presentation at the conference was a humdinger of a success.
4. The storm last night was a humdinger, with lightning striking all around.
5. Bob's new car is a humdinger of a ride, with all the latest features.
6. Sally made a humdinger of a dessert for the party, and everyone raved about it.
7. The concert was a humdinger, with the band playing all their greatest hits.
8. The football game was a humdinger, with both teams playing their hearts out.
9. That roller coaster was a humdinger of a ride, with twists and turns that left us breathless.
10. The bike race was a humdinger, with competitors pushing themselves to the limit.
11. Emily's birthday party was a humdinger of a celebration, with balloons and decorations everywhere.
12. The fashion show was a humdinger, with models showcasing the latest trends.
13. The talent show was a humdinger, with performers displaying their amazing skills.
14. That hike we went on yesterday was a humdinger, with stunning views all around.
15. The pie eating contest was a humdinger, with contestants stuffing themselves silly.
16. The dance party was a humdinger, with people letting loose and having a great time.
17. The puzzle we worked on was a humdinger, with so many challenging pieces.
18. The horse race was a humdinger, with jockeys urging their mounts to go faster.
19. The quiz show was a humdinger, with contestants answering questions left and right.
20. The basketball game was a humdinger, with a nail-biting finish and a last-second shot to win.
21. The sushi we had for dinner was a humdinger, with each piece more delicious than the last.
22. The science fair was a humdinger, with students showcasing their innovative ideas.
23. The magic show was a humdinger, with illusions that left us scratching our heads.
24. The fashion shoot was a humdinger, with models posing in glamorous and exotic locations.
25. The wine tasting was a humdinger, with sommeliers offering samples of their finest wines.
26. The acrobatics performance was a humdinger, with performers defying gravity with amazing stunts.
27. The art exhibit was a humdinger, with works from famous artists on display.
28. The food festival was a humdinger, with vendors offering up all kinds of delicious eats.
29. The karaoke contest was a humdinger, with contestants belting out their best tunes.
30. The dog show was a humdinger, with pups of all breeds strutting their stuff.

Common Phases

1. That was a humdinger of a game!
2. He sure delivered a humdinger of a speech!
3. I've got a humdinger of a headache today.
4. That party was a humdinger, wasn't it?
5. This storm is shaping up to be a humdinger.
6. We're going to have a humdinger of a time on this trip.
7. She's got a humdinger of a sense of humor.
8. That was a humdinger of a trick he played on us.
9. This year's flu season is turning out to be a humdinger.
10. That rollercoaster was a humdinger of a ride!

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