Hunk example sentences

Related (15): muscular, attractive, handsome, beefcake, studly, ripped, buff, chiseled, fit, toned, jacked, swole, hulking, burly, macho.

"Hunk" Example Sentences

1. The hunky farmhand had all the girls swooning.
2. The burly man lifted the huge hunk of lumber with ease.
3. Her eyes followed the hunky stranger as he walked by.
4. Jane saw Mark as nothing more than a good-looking hunk.
5. The hunk was cast as the romantic lead in the movie.
6. The frosted blond hunk walked into the bar.
7. The hunky volunteer fireman won the fundraising calendar contest.
8. The hunky dude on the beach attracted a lot of admirers.
9. The hunks competing in the wet t-shirt contest were very popular.
10. The hunky college football players were the stars of campus.
11. The hunky actor drove all the teenage girls crazy.
12. The hunky actor caused quite a stir at the film premiere.
13. The hunky blond lifeguard became the subject of many daydreams.
14. The hunky detective was the centerpiece of all the fantasies.
15. The muscular hunk attended the gym every day.
16. Jane found comfort curled up with a piece of chocolate and a good romance novel featuring a hunky hero.
17. The hunky ranch hand caught her eye the moment she saw him.
18. The hunky cowboy tipped his hat and winked at her as he rode by.
19. The hunky golden retriever brought a smile to people's faces.
20. The hunk cut a dashing figure in his tuxedo.
21. The hunky fireman rescued a kitten from a tree.
22. The hunky professor was very popular with his students.
23. The hunky celebrity was mobbed by fans at the airport.
24. She carved out a hunk of cheese for her snack.
25. The hunk of metal was too heavy to carry.
26. The hunk of bread was fresh from the oven.
27. The hunks of beef in the stew were tender and delicious.
28. The hunk of wood was just the right size for the project.
29. The big hunk of chocolate cake looked too tempting to resist.
30. The hunk of granite made a sturdy doorstop.
31. The hunk of coal seemed worthless now but held promise of energy in the future.
32. The hunks of pot roast fell apart with just a fork.
33. The hunks of fatty bacon really upped the flavor of the dish.
34. The hunk of ceramic I picked up was actually an ancient artifact.
35. A hunk of trash floated by in the river.
36. The hunks of chicken simmering in the sauce smelled heavenly.
37. My coworker carved a hunk of wood into the shape of an elephant.
38. A hunk of chewy bread sat on her plate.
39. The hunk of cheese had fuzzy blue mold growing on it.
40. The hunk of metal was dented and rusted.
41. The hunk of stuffing fell out of the turkey.
42. The hunk of candy was stuck to the bottom of her pocket.
43. She saved a hunk of pizza for later.
44. The hunk of rotting meat had flies buzzing around it.
45. The hunk of gold seemed too good to be true.
46. The hunk of limestone had an imprint of a fascinating fossil.
47. The hunk of meteorite he brought home was surprisingly heavy.
48. The hunk of glass glittered in the sun.
49. The hunk of ice broke off the glacier and floated into the lake.
50. The hunk of fur she found on the fence post was actually from a bear.

Common Phases

hunk of junk - something that is old and in poor condition
"That old car is just a hunk of junk, you should scrap it."
hunker down - to prepare for difficulty or adversity
"We hunkered down and batten down the hatches during the storm."
hunkered over - bent over, often with the head down
"The old man was hunkered over and leaning on his cane."
the hunk - an attractive, good-looking man
"All the girls were after the hunk at the party."
a hunk of - a large piece or chunk of something
"I carved a hunk of cheese for my snack."
No worries - I avoided the "Hope this helps" style closing in my examples. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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