Hymenopteran example sentences

Related (9): ant, bee, wasp, hornet, yellowjacket, sawfly, chalcid, braconid, ichneumon

"Hymenopteran" Example Sentences

1. The hymenopteran order includes bees, wasps, and ants.
2. I saw a hymenopteran doing its job pollinating the flowers.
3. Hymenopterans have two pairs of wings and a narrow waist.
4. The venom of some hymenopteran species can cause severe allergic reactions in humans.
5. The hymenopteran family is one of the most diverse and abundant groups of insects.
6. Hymenopterans have a unique mode of reproduction that involves laying eggs in a host organism.
7. The wasp is a common hymenopteran that is often mistaken for a bee.
8. Many hymenopteran species have social behavior and live in colonies.
9. Scientists are still discovering new species of hymenopterans in tropical rainforests.
10. Hymenopterans are important pollinators in many ecosystems.
11. Certain hymenopteran parasites lay their eggs inside the bodies of other insects.
12. The hymenopteran species Nasonia vitripennis is used as a model organism in genetic research.
13. The sting of a hymenopteran can be painful, but not all species are aggressive towards humans.
14. Female hymenopterans have an ovipositor used for laying eggs.
15. The behavior of hymenopteran societies is fascinating to study.
16. The syrphid fly is sometimes mistaken for a hymenopteran due to its yellow and black markings.
17. Some hymenopteran species use pheromones to communicate with each other.
18. Certain hymenopterans, such as the paper wasp, build intricate nests made of wood fibers.
19. Many hymenopteran species are important biological control agents, controlling pests that damage crops.
20. The orchid mantis sometimes resembles a hymenopteran bee to attract pollinators.
21. The hymenopteran Apis mellifera is the most commonly known species of honey bee.
22. The parasitic hymenopteran wasp can lay its eggs inside a caterpillar, slowly killing the host as the eggs mature.
23. Hymenopterans exhibit a wide range of behaviors, from aggressive to gentle to solitary.
24. Some hymenopterans, like the velvet ant, have bright colors that warn predators of their painful sting.
25. The study of hymenopterans has led to many important advances in pest management and biological control.
26. Hymenopterans are believed to have evolved from solitary wasp ancestors.
27. Certain hymenopteran species, like the fig wasp, have co-evolved with specific plant species for pollination and reproduction.
28. Hymenopterans are a diverse and ecologically important group of insects that play many roles in ecosystems.
29. Parasitoid hymenopterans have evolved to have specific adaptations for finding and attacking their host organisms.
30. The study of hymenopterans has led to many important discoveries in areas such as genetics, behavior, and ecology.

Common Phases

1. Hymenopteran insects are known for their diverse physical characteristics;
2. The hymenopteran order includes ants, bees, wasps, and hornets;
3. Hymenopteran species are found all over the world;
4. Many hymenopteran species play important roles in pollination and pest control;
5. The lifespan of hymenopteran insects varies depending on the species;
6. Hymenopteran nests can be found in bushes, trees, and underground;
7. Some hymenopteran species have a painful sting;
8. The morphology of hymenopteran insects can vary greatly between males and females;
9. Hymenopteran larvae develop inside the nests of adult females;
10. Some hymenopteran species are social and live in large colonies.

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