Hypnotizes example sentences

Related (10): hypnotizes, mesmerizes, enchants, bewitches, spellbinds, captivates, fascinates, allures, enthralls, entrances.

"Hypnotizes" Example Sentences

1. The magician hypnotizes his audience with his amazing tricks.
2. The charismatic leader hypnotizes his followers with his inspiring speeches.
3. The soothing music hypnotizes her into a deep sleep.
4. The book's captivating plotline hypnotizes its readers until the very end.
5. The flashing lights of the disco ball hypnotizes the crowd at the party.
6. The hypnotist slowly and methodically hypnotizes his patient into a trance-like state.
7. The breathtaking view of the sunset over the ocean hypnotizes him.
8. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing on the shore hypnotizes her.
9. The dancer's graceful moves hypnotizes the audience.
10. The scent of lavender essential oil hypnotizes her senses.
11. The aroma of freshly baked bread hypnotizes him and makes him crave it.
12. The intricate lace pattern on the dress hypnotizes her with its beauty.
13. The constant clicking of the computer keyboard hypnotizes her into a work trance.
14. The flickering flames of the fireplace hypnotizes her into a peaceful state.
15. The intense stare of the snake hypnotizes its prey before it strikes.
16. The soft touch of his hand hypnotizes her into relaxation.
17. The bustling city at night hypnotizes her with its bright neon lights.
18. The bright colors and patterns of the kaleidoscope hypnotizes her.
19. The rich and velvety texture of the chocolate hypnotizes her taste buds.
20. The beautiful sculpture in the museum hypnotizes her with its intricate details.
21. The delicate fragrance of the roses hypnotizes her with its sweet scent.
22. The quiet and serene forest hypnotizes her with its natural beauty.
23. The warm rays of the sun hypnotizes her and makes her feel alive.
24. The mesmerizing movements of the jellyfish hypnotizes the spectators at the aquarium.
25. The gentle strokes of the artist's paintbrush hypnotizes her with its artistry.
26. The intricate patterns on the carpet hypnotizes her with its symmetry.
27. The peaceful lullaby hypnotizes the baby into a dreamy state.
28. The smooth and silky texture of the satin sheets hypnotizes her.
29. The vibrant colors of the peacock feathers hypnotizes her with their magnificence.
30. The intricate architecture of the old building hypnotizes her with its historical significance.

Common Phases

1. The magician hypnotizes the audience with his mesmerizing tricks;
2. The celebrity's personality hypnotizes her fans and followers;
3. The gorgeous landscape outside my window hypnotizes me into daydreaming;
4. The rhythmic sound of the waves hypnotizes me into a state of relaxation;
5. The hypnotist slowly counts down and hypnotizes the patient into a deep sleep;
6. The music from the concert hypnotizes the crowd and they dance the night away;
7. The scent of lavender hypnotizes me into a peaceful slumber;
8. The art exhibit hypnotizes visitors with its vibrant colors and intricate details.

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