Idealizev example sentences

Related (14): perfect, idolize, romanticize, glorify, exalt, admire, venerate, deify, apotheosize, lionize, laud, worship, revere, sanctify

"Idealizev" Example Sentences

1. The students tend to idealize their teachers, making them seem perfect and infallible.
2. It's important not to idealize your partner and instead appreciate them for who they are.
3. We often idealize the past and forget about the struggles that people faced in those times.
4. He had a tendency to idealize his ex-girlfriend, even though they had a tumultuous relationship.
5. The media often idealizes celebrities, portraying them as flawless and perfect beings.
6. It's easy to idealize the idea of a perfect family, but the reality is often much messier.
7. He was warned not to idealize his mentor, as they were still human and capable of mistakes.
8. She had always idealized the idea of living in the countryside, with fresh air and open space.
9. It's natural for children to idealize their parents, but it's important to remember that they can make mistakes too.
10. He tended to idealize his childhood home, even though it had its own set of difficulties and challenges.
11. The book idealizes the concept of true love and romance, which many readers find unrealistic.
12. People often idealize celebrities for their wealth and luxurious lifestyles, but forget about the hard work and dedication it takes to achieve that level of success.
13. The artist idealizes the beauty of nature through her intricate and detailed paintings.
14. He couldn't help but idealize his deceased loved one, remembering only the good times they shared.
15. Many young girls tend to idealize the Barbie doll, thinking that they need to look a certain way to be attractive and desirable.
16. The film idealizes the concept of winning at all costs, ignoring the moral implications of cheating and dishonesty.
17. Some people idealize the idea of a soulmate, believing that there is only one perfect person for them in the world.
18. The teacher warned her students not to idealize the problematic behavior of fictional characters in movies and TV shows.
19. He constantly idealized the idea of retirement, dreaming of all the things he would do once he stopped working.
20. The poet idealizes the beauty of life and love, capturing the essence of these emotions in his words.
21. Many people idealize the concept of being rich and famous, thinking that it would solve all their problems and make them happy.
22. The study shows that teenagers tend to idealize their peers who are popular and well-liked.
23. She often idealized the lives of other people, thinking that they had it all figured out while she struggled.
24. It's important to remember that no one is perfect, and we shouldn't idealize people or situations that seem too good to be true.
25. He had a tendency to idealize his childhood memories, thinking that everything was simpler and happier back then.
26. The painting idealizes the beauty of the female body, highlighting its curves and contours in vivid detail.
27. She had always idealized the idea of being a stay-at-home mom, but found that the reality was much harder than she anticipated.
28. Many people idealize the past, thinking that everything was better before modern technology and social media.
29. It's important to see people as they really are, instead of idealizing or demonizing them based on our own biases and assumptions.
30. The author idealizes the concept of freedom and independence, using her writing to inspire others to live their best lives.

Common Phases

1. "I tend to idealize people I admire;"
2. "Some people have a tendency to idealize their romantic partners;"
3. "It's easy to idealize someone when you don't know them well;"
4. "Social media can lead us to idealize other people's lives;"
5. "In therapy, we work to let go of the tendency to idealize our past;"
6. "It's important to recognize when we are idealizing a situation and try to see it more realistically;"
7. "Idealizing a person or situation can lead to disappointment when they don't live up to our expectations;"
8. "We have a propensity to idealize the past when we are feeling nostalgic;"
9. "It's important to learn how to appreciate someone's flaws instead of only idealizing their strengths."

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