Illusioned example sentences

Related (3): disillusioned, delusioned, disillusioned

"Illusioned" Example Sentences

1. The magician illusioned the audience with his captivating tricks.
2. She illusioned herself into believing that she could achieve her dreams without working hard.
3. The hypnotist illusioned the volunteer into thinking he was a chicken.
4. He illusioned his friends into thinking he had the ability to read minds.
5. The filmmaker illusioned the viewers with his stunning special effects.
6. She illusioned herself into thinking she was in love with someone who didn't reciprocate her feelings.
7. The artist illusioned the canvas with his beautiful brushstrokes.
8. They illusioned themselves into believing that money could buy happiness.
9. The writer illusioned the readers into imagining a whole new world through her words.
10. He illusioned his wife into thinking he was faithful, but she eventually found out the truth.
11. The designer illusioned the runway with her stunning collection.
12. She illusioned herself into thinking she could quit her job and still make ends meet.
13. The musician illusioned the crowd with his mesmerizing performance.
14. He illusioned his boss into thinking he was the perfect employee by hiding his mistakes.
15. The architect illusioned the building with its sleek and modern design.
16. She illusioned herself into thinking she didn't need anyone else's help, but eventually learned the importance of teamwork.
17. The chef illusioned his guests with his exquisite culinary skills.
18. He illusioned his girlfriend into thinking he was the perfect match, but later revealed his true colors.
19. The painter illusioned the canvas with his vivid colors and textures.
20. She illusioned herself into thinking she could handle the stress of her demanding job, but eventually burned out.
21. The actor illusioned the audience with his convincing portrayal of a villain.
22. He illusioned his parents into thinking he was doing well in school, but his grades said otherwise.
23. The poet illusioned the world with her poignant words and emotions.
24. She illusioned herself into thinking she could change someone who wasn't willing to change themselves.
25. The photographer illusioned the viewers with his captivating images.
26. He illusioned his friends into thinking he had a secret talent, but it turned out to be a hoax.
27. The dancer illusioned the stage with her graceful movements and expressions.
28. She illusioned herself into thinking that success meant having material possessions, but later realized that true success came from within.
29. The storyteller illusioned the listeners with his captivating tales and vivid descriptions.
30. He illusioned his fans into thinking he was larger-than-life, but his personal struggles eventually came to light.

Common Phases

1. I was completely illusioned; I believed every word they said.
2. Don't be illusioned; things are not always as they seem.
3. She became illusioned with the idea of fame; she didn't realize the sacrifices that came with it.
4. He was illusioned by his own success; he thought he was invincible.
5. It's easy to become illusioned with social media; we often only see the highlight reels of people's lives.

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