Immured example sentences

Related (8): confined, enclosed, trapped, incarcerated, sealed, isolated, secluded, secured.

"Immured" Example Sentences

1. The king immured the traitor in the darkest dungeon.
2. The princess felt immured in her castle tower.
3. The villagers had immured themselves behind fortified walls.
4. The prisoners were immured in tiny cells.
5. The researchers immured the mice in a controlled environment.
6. The doctors immured the patient in an isolation chamber.
7. The workers felt immured in their cubicles.
8. The explorers were immured in the cave for days.
9. The team was immured in the stadium due to the snowstorm.
10. The soldiers were immured in the barracks during the attack.
11. The scientist immured the virus in a sealed container.
12. The teachers felt immured in their school's bureaucracy.
13. The pilot was immured in the cockpit during the turbulence.
14. The astronauts were immured in the spacecraft during the launch.
15. The miners were immured in the collapsed tunnel for hours.
16. The animals were immured in tiny cages in the laboratory.
17. The survivors were immured in the bomb shelter during the war.
18. The patients were immured in the psychiatric ward for their safety.
19. The inhabitants were immured in the town during the pandemic.
20. The hostages were immured in the bank vault during the robbery.
21. The prisoners were immured in the gas chamber.
22. The artist was immured in her studio for weeks to complete her masterpiece.
23. The activists felt immured in the oppressive government system.
24. The victim felt immured in the abusive relationship.
25. The passengers were immured in the airplane during the hijacking.
26. The magistrate ordered the criminal to be immured in the prison cell.
27. The refugees were immured in the detention camp for months.
28. The suspect was immured in the interrogation room for hours.
29. The students were immured in the library during the exam period.
30. The journalists were immured in the media center during the press conference.

Common Phases

1. The prisoner was immured in his cell; no light or sound could penetrate the stone walls.
2. He was immured in his own world of addiction, unable to break free.
3. The old castle was immured in mist, making it almost invisible to the naked eye.
4. The scientist was immured in his research, neglecting everything else in his life.
5. She felt immured in her own fears, unable to step out of her comfort zone.
6. The coffin was immured in the earth, marking the end of a life.
7. The children were immured in the library, absorbed in their books and oblivious to their surroundings.
8. He was immured in his own thoughts, lost in contemplation of life's mysteries.
9. The house was immured by ivy, giving it a mysterious and abandoned feel.
10. The victim was immured in the basement, with no hope of escape.

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