Impend example sentences

Related (5): looming, impending, imminent, approaching, forthcoming



impend (verb) · impends (third person present) · impended (past tense) · impended (past participle) · impending (present participle)

  - (of an event regarded as threatening or significant) be about to happen:

"Impend" Example Sentences

1. Dark clouds impend above, signifying an incoming storm.
2. The looming deadline impends on my mind, urging me to finish the project.
3. Impending doom seems to impend over the land as war approaches.
4. As the final exam impends, the students become increasingly stressed and anxious.
5. The threat of layoffs impends over the employees, creating an anxious work environment.
6. The impending recession impends, threatening economic stability.
7. The annual performance review impends, making many employees nervous.
8. An impending natural disaster often impends, prompting evacuations and emergency preparations.
9. As Christmas impends, there is a flurry of activity in stores and malls.
10. An impending court date impends, with its verdict potentially altering one's life forever.
11. The impending retirement of so many baby boomers impends, straining Social Security funding.
12. An impending government shutdown impends, with lawmakers unable to agree on a budget deal.
13. As summer vacation impends, students become restless and unfocused in class.
14. Impending parenthood impends, bringing with it anxiety but also joy and wonder.
15. The impending departure of loved ones often impends with sadness but also fond memories.
16. The impending end of a project often impends, bringing mixed emotions of relief and loss.
17. An impending speech or presentation often impends with anxiety and nerves for the speaker.
18. An impending surgery impends, prompting medical preparations and good wishes from friends.
19. Realizing one's own mortality often impends as one ages, making life seem fleeting.
20. An impending mistake or accident often impends, prompting wisdom and caution.
21.The impending doom of cynicism and despair often impends if left unchecked.
22. An impending move impends, prompting preparations and tasks that must be completed.
23. Anxiety often impends as sleep remains elusive the night before an important event.
24. An impending divorce often impends, bringing about tumultuous and difficult change.
25. Joy often impends at the thought of reuniting with loved ones after time apart.
26. An impending victory impends, bringing hope and excitement for the future.
27.An impending loss impends, threatening to undermine confidence and security.
28. Impending progress impends, motivating further innovation and improvement.
29. Impending conflict often impends, but communication can alleviate tensions.
30. An impending decision often impends, forcing one to weigh options and choose a path forward.
31. New responsibilities often impend once education is completed and a career commences.
32.An impending win or loss often impends during a sporting event, intensifying the stakes.
33.Impending accountability impends, motivating honesty and integrity.
34. Impending success impends, bringing fulfillment and satisfaction with hard work.
35.New mysteries impend once one plotline concludes, capturing the imagination.
36. Impending tragedy often impends in fiction, heightening suspense and drama.
37. Uncertainty often impends while waiting for test results or medical news.
38.Impending triumph impends once final obstacles are overcome.
39. Impending retirement often impends, prompting preparations and plans.
40.Feelings of dread often impend before important judgment is delivered.
41. A feeling of anticipation often impends before reuniting with loved ones.
42. Impending deadlines often impend, requiring diligence and time management.
43.Impending consequences often impend, motivating wise decisions and choices.
44. Impending opportunities often impend, ushering in growth and development.
45.Impending relief often impends after a prolonged period of struggle.
46.Impending awareness often impends once ignorance has been overcome.
47. Impending challenges impend, calling one to rise and meet them bravely.
48.Impending change often impends, disrupting the status quo yet bringing progress.
49.Impending conflict often impends in fiction, heightening suspense and drama.
50.Impending victory often impends once final obstacles are overcome.
51.Impending sorrow often impends when loved ones must part ways.
52. Impending hope often impends in the darkest of times, beckoning one forward.
53. Impending triumph often impends once all trials have been faced and endured.
54. Impending decisions often impend, shaping the direction of one's life journey.
55. Impending obstacles often impend, readying one for challenges that build character.
56.Impending awareness often impends as ignorance fades and wisdom grows.
57. Impending regret often impends if opportunities are wasted or ignored.
58.Impending happiness often impends with patience, hard work and virtue.
59. Impending success often impends once diligence and perseverance have been applied.
60. Impending wisdom often impends once knowledge has been tempered by life experience.

Common Phases

1. Doom impends, the end is nigh.
2. Dark clouds impend, bringing a storm.
3. The wrath of the king will impend on those who defy him.
4. Disaster impends unless swift action is taken.
5. Trouble impends if we do not act cautiously.
6. Difficult times impend, we must prepare.
7. With the tests approaching, a lot of studying impends.
8. Winter impends, the leaves have fallen and the air is crisp.
9. As the deadline approaches, more work impends.
10. A grave decision impends that we cannot take lightly.
11. The mountain climbed ever higher, looming and impeding over them.
12. War seems to impend as tensions rise between the two countries.
13. An economic recession impends if spending is not curbed.
14. Judgment impends for those who commit evil deeds.
15. Severe punishment will impend on any who defy the emperor's orders.
16. Hardship impends if we do not find shelter before nightfall.
17. An ominous sense of foreboding impends, putting me on edge.
18. Changes impend that will alter the course of our lives.
19. An uncertain fate impends for those that dare to cross the bridge.
20. The days of reckoning impend for the unjust and wicked.
21. As the comet hurtled closer, devastation impended.
22. Doom impended as the spaceship lost power in deep space.
23. Troubles impended on the horizon like a vast dark cloud.
24. Famine impended as the crops failed two years in a row.
25. The threat of eviction impended as bills went unpaid.
26. Politicians argued as the vote that would impend huge changes approached.
27. The soldier sensed danger impended as he entered the cave.
28. Ragnarok impended as the gods prepared for the final battle.
29. The patient sensed that death impended as his condition worsened.
30. A fierce storm impended as the skies darkened and winds picked up.
31. More work always impended as I tried to meet my endless to-do list.
32. Hard times impended for the miners as the company threatened to close the mine.
33. Momentous changes impended on the horizon that would reshape the world forever.
34. The oathbreaker sensed that vengeance impended as the wronged king rode closer.
35. As the election neared, a major political shift impended.
36. His professor's wrath impended as the paper sat unfinished the night before it was due.
37. Fresh hardships always impended just as I thought I'd made it through the latest crisis.
38. The criminal knew punishment impended as he saw the flashing police lights behind him.
39. Unrest impended as citizens grew tired of corrupt leadership.
40. My dog sensed danger impended as every hair on his back stood on end.
41. The shadow of the guillotine impended over the nobleman.
42. A reckoning impended for those who had wronged others.
43. Reliable sources claimed that military action impended.
44. Darkness impended that nothing could lift as my soul sank into despair.
45. Doom impended for the wicked and unjust.
46. The child sensed that trouble impended when she saw her mother's stern face.
47. Destruction impended as the meteorite sped toward Earth.
48. Judgment impended from the highest court in the land.
49. The soldier knew punishment impended for disobeying orders.
50. A bright new era impended with the coronation of the young king.
51. The explorer sensed danger impended as the jungle fell silent.
52. Something unpleasant impended that filled me with dread.
53. An important decision impended that would shape my future.
54. The student sensed her parents' wrath impended when they found out her bad grades.
55. Fresh challenges always impended just as I thought I'd mastered the last ones.
56. A reckoning impended for the merciless dictator.
57. My dog knew trouble impended when he saw that familiar cat sneaking into our yard.
58. Doom impended over the wretched souls trapped in Purgatory.
59. The tyrant sensed his downfall impended as rebellion spread through the kingdom.
60. An auspicious future impended for the infant princess.

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