Impenetrableness example sentences

Related (4): impenetrability, inscrutability, imperviousness, impenetrableness

"Impenetrableness" Example Sentences

1. The impenetrableness of the fortress made it difficult for the enemy to invade.
2. The impenetrableness of the thick fog made it hard for us to see the road.
3. The impenetrableness of the jungle made it impossible to find our way out.
4. The impenetrableness of the steel door kept the robbers from getting inside.
5. The impenetrableness of the encryption system made it impossible for hackers to access the data.
6. The impenetrableness of the shield protected the soldiers from enemy fire.
7. The impenetrableness of the language barrier hindered effective communication.
8. The impenetrableness of the diamond made it highly valuable.
9. The impenetrableness of the defense system kept the country safe from cyber attacks.
10. The impenetrableness of the ice made it impossible for the ship to break through.
11. The impenetrableness of the mystery kept the investigators baffled.
12. The impenetrableness of the clouds made it difficult to predict the weather.
13. The impenetrableness of the code made it impossible for the spy to decipher the message.
14. The impenetrableness of the darkness made it hard for us to navigate.
15. The impenetrableness of the labyrinth made it impossible to find the exit.
16. The impenetrableness of the shielded walls kept our secrets safe.
17. The impenetrableness of the mountain range made it difficult to traverse.
18. The impenetrableness of the hard exterior protected the delicate interior.
19. The impenetrableness of the armor saved the knight from harm.
20. The impenetrableness of the ship's hull made it seaworthy.
21. The impenetrableness of the concrete barrier prevented the car from crashing.
22. The impenetrableness of the plastic casing protected the fragile contents.
23. The impenetrableness of the animal's hide kept it safe from predators.
24. The impenetrableness of the fortress walls defended the kingdom.
25. The impenetrableness of the dense forest made it hard to spot wildlife.
26. The impenetrableness of the puzzle stumped even the smartest minds.
27. The impenetrableness of the hard drive encryption kept sensitive information secure.
28. The impenetrableness of the metal gate kept unauthorized persons out.
29. The impenetrableness of the security system ensured safety in the premises.
30. The impenetrableness of the steel vault kept valuables secure.

Common Phases

1. The impenetrableness of the steel wall made it impossible to access the secure area;
2. His thoughts were shrouded in an impenetrableness that made it difficult to understand his motives;
3. The darkness of the impenetrableness forest was unnerving to the hikers;
4. The impenetrableness of her façade hid the true pain she was feeling;
5. The impenetrableness of the maze made it a challenging puzzle to solve;
6. The impenetrableness of the bureaucratic processes made it difficult to get anything done;
7. The impenetrableness of her accent made her difficult to understand.

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