Imperishable example sentences

Related (6): eternal, enduring, indestructible, immutable, everlasting, perpetual



imperishable (adjective)

  - enduring forever:


enduring, everlasting, undying, deathless, immortal, timeless, ageless, perennial, lasting, indestructible, inextinguishable, ineradicable, unfading, undiminished, permanent, sempiternal, perdurable, Legal

"Imperishable" Example Sentences

1. His memories were captured in the imperishable pages of his journal.
2. The beauty of the Taj Mahal is imperishable.
3. The love between the couple was imperishable, and nothing could ever change that.
4. The diamonds in her necklace were imperishable, lasting a lifetime and even beyond.
5. The legacy of his achievements was imperishable, as his influence continued to inspire generations to come.
6. The taste of his grandmother's cooking was imperishable in his memory.
7. The durability of this material is imperishable, it lasts for decades without any damage.
8. The loyalty of his faithful dog was an imperishable bond that lasted until the end of its life.
9. The love of nature is an imperishable feeling that never fades away.
10. His paintings were an imperishable testament to his artistry.
11. The memories of their childhood friendship were imperishable, even after years had passed.
12. The taste of a mother's love is an imperishable memory.
13. Her beauty was imperishable, it shone brighter with every passing year.
14. The wisdom of ancient philosophers remains imperishable, guiding us to this day.
15. The grace and precision of a ballerina's steps are imperishable.
16. A piece of jewelry can be an imperishable token of love.
17. The determination of a marathon runner is an imperishable trait.
18. The power of prayer is an imperishable source of hope.
19. The heroism of firefighters is an imperishable inspiration to us all.
20. The unique taste of a family recipe can be an imperishable legacy.
21. The selflessness of a mother's love is an imperishable treasure.
22. The memories of a first love can be imperishable, remaining in our hearts forever.
23. The majesty of the mountains is an imperishable sight to behold.
24. The power of forgiveness is an imperishable gift we can give to ourselves and others.
25. The elegance of a ballet performance is an imperishable work of art.
26. The magic of a child's laughter is an imperishable sound in a parent's memory.
27. The heroism of soldiers is an imperishable symbol of sacrifice and bravery.
28. The beauty of nature is an imperishable source of inspiration for artists.
29. The courage of a person fighting a disease is an imperishable example of resilience.
30. The history of a city is an imperishable heritage that enriches our understanding of the world.

Common Phases

1. The memories of our love are imperishable; they will always remain in my heart.
2. The ancient ruins are a testament to the imperishable nature of human achievements.
3. The beauty of nature is imperishable; it remains even after we are gone.
4. The legacy of great leaders is imperishable; it inspires generations to come.
5. The bonds of friendship are imperishable; they last a lifetime.
6. The truth is imperishable; it cannot be destroyed by lies or deceit.
7. The impact of art is imperishable; it leaves a lasting impression on our souls.
8. The wisdom of the ages is imperishable; it transcends time and space.

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