Imperium example sentences

Related (10): dominion, sovereignty, reign, control, power, authority, supremacy, mastery, command, government

"Imperium" Example Sentences

1. The Roman Empire was commonly referred to as Imperium Romanum.
2. Caesar Augustus was the first emperor of the Imperium.
3. The senate held a great deal of power within the Imperium.
4. The Imperium was responsible for expanding Rome's territory and influence.
5. The Imperium was often associated with military might and conquest.
6. The concept of Imperium was central to Roman political ideology.
7. The Imperium was split in two during the reign of Diocletian.
8. The Imperium was known for its strict legal system.
9. The Imperium was eventually weakened by internal struggles.
10. The Imperium's collapse led to the rise of feudalism in Europe.
11. Julius Caesar famously declared "Veni, Vidi, Vici" during his Imperium.
12. The Imperium was constantly engaged in warfare with its enemies.
13. The Imperium's currency was widely used throughout the ancient world.
14. Augustus' reign marked the start of the Pax Romana within the Imperium.
15. The Imperium was renowned for its engineering achievements, such as the aqueducts and roads.
16. The Imperium's decline was marked by economic instability and political corruption.
17. Emperor Nero is remembered for his cruelty towards both his subjects and the Imperium's enemies.
18. The Imperium's army was organized into legions, each led by a commander.
19. The Imperium's military campaigns often lasted for years at a time.
20. The Imperium's economy relied heavily on slave labor.
21. Many famous writers and philosophers lived within the Imperium.
22. The Imperium's legal code heavily influenced modern Western law.
23. Christianity emerged within the Imperium during the first century AD.
24. The Imperium's borders stretched from modern-day Scotland to Egypt.
25. Wealthy citizens within the Imperium owned large estates known as latifundia.
26. The Imperium's bureaucracy was highly organized and efficient.
27. The concept of Imperium inspired other empires throughout history, such as the British Empire.
28. The Imperium's senate was made up of wealthy citizens known as patricians.
29. The Imperium's military conquests often involved targeting and enslaving indigenous peoples.
30. The Imperium's culture was heavily influenced by Greek and Hellenistic traditions.

Common Phases

1. The Roman imperium; a vast and powerful empire.
2. The emperor's imperium; the absolute authority of the ruler.
3. The imperium of law; the legal system that governs a society.
4. The imperium of science; the progress of knowledge and technological advancements.
5. The imperium of nature; the beauty and awe of the natural world.
6. The imperium of the mind; the power of human thought and imagination.
7. The imperium of art; the creativity and expression of the human spirit.
8. The imperium of commerce; the world of trade and business.
9. The imperium of technology; the impact of machines and digital tools.
10. The imperium of education; the pursuit of knowledge and the growth of learning.

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