Imposingness example sentences

Related (5): grandeur, majesty, impressiveness, stateliness, dignity

"Imposingness" Example Sentences

1. The imposingness of the castle left everyone in awe.
2. The imposingness of the mountain range made it impossible for them to scale.
3. The imposingness of the statue was only matched by its beauty.
4. The imposingness of his presence made him a natural leader.
5. Despite its imposingness, the fortress was easily breached.
6. The imposingness of the cathedral drew in tourists from all over the world.
7. The imposingness of the skyscraper was a testament to human ingenuity.
8. The imposingness of the palace was accentuated by its colorful façade.
9. The imposingness of the cliff made her feel small and insignificant.
10. The imposingness of the monument spoke volumes about the country's history.
11. His imposingness was only matched by the ferocity of his temper.
12. The imposingness of the mansion stood out in the otherwise mediocre neighborhood.
13. Despite its imposingness, the sculpture conveyed a sense of vulnerability and sadness.
14. The imposingness of the ship made it seem indestructible.
15. The imposingness of the procession made it clear that the figure being carried was of great importance.
16. The imposingness of the war memorial honored those who had given their lives for their country.
17. The imposingness of the building was undermined by its shabby interior.
18. Her imposingness was not just physical, but also the result of her intelligence and leadership ability.
19. Despite its imposingness, the tower was a popular tourist destination for its panoramic views.
20. The imposingness of the canyon made her heart race with excitement and fear.
21. The imposingness of the museum made her feel like she was in the presence of greatness.
22. The imposingness of the historical monument made it clear that it was not to be taken lightly.
23. The imposingness of the marble columns gave the room a regal feel.
24. The imposingness of the colosseum was not diminished by its age and decay.
25. The imposingness of the dam was matched only by the force of the water it held back.
26. The imposingness of the ancient temple was a reminder of how small and fleeting human lives were.
27. Despite its imposingness, the castle was surprisingly comfortable on the inside.
28. The imposingness of the church reflected both its religious and political significance.
29. The imposingness of the mountain was a constant source of inspiration for the artist.
30. The imposingness of the structure belied the fact that it was made of simple materials.

Common Phases

1. His imposingness commanded attention; his stature towered over the group.
2. She was known for her imposingness; her presence filled the room.
3. The imposingness of the castle left visitors in awe; it was an impressive sight to behold.
4. He used his imposingness to intimidate his opponents; it usually worked.
5. The imposingness of the mountain range was breathtaking; it was a sight to remember.

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