Impostorfrench example sentences

Related (2): impostor, French

"Impostorfrench" Example Sentences

1. The online game "Among Us" has popularized the concept of an impostor.
2. The TV series "Imposters" follows a con artist who marries and then steals from her victims.
3. The movie "Catch Me If You Can" is based on the true story of an impostor who posed as a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer.
4. The scammer claimed to be a French prince, but it turned out he was an impostor trying to defraud people.
5. The impostor claimed to be a famous chef, but was quickly exposed as a fraud when he couldn't cook a simple dish.
6. The author's book exposed the impostor French painter who had been fooling the art world for years.
7. It's hard to tell if the online profile is real or an impostor pretending to be someone else.
8. The play "The Imposter Syndrome" explores the fear of being exposed as a fraud or impostor.
9. The impostor French knight was revealed to be a peasant who had stolen the armor and horses.
10. The documentary "The Imposter" tells the story of a young man who claimed to be a missing boy, but was actually an impostor.
11. The impostor French diplomat tried to pass himself off as the real ambassador, but was caught by security.
12. The lab discovered that the alleged diamond was actually just an impostor made of glass.
13. The magician used sleight of hand to fool the audience into thinking he had a real tiger, but it was just an impostor.
14. The company hired a private investigator to uncover the impostor who was stealing their trade secrets.
15. The actress had to be careful of impostor French accents when preparing for her role in the movie.
16. The impostor French singer lip-synced her concert and was booed offstage when the truth came out.
17. The catfished victim realized that the person they had been talking to was just an impostor using someone else's identity.
18. The spy knew how to create a believable impostor identity in case they were ever discovered.
19. The criminal mastermind posed as an impostor French wine connoisseur to gain access to the valuable collection.
20. The pretend police officer was really just an impostor trying to scam unsuspecting drivers.
21. The vigilante superhero was suspected of being an impostor, until they revealed their true identity.
22. The con artist pretended to be an impostor French royalty and fooled many wealthy people into giving her money.
23. The cat burglar dressed up as an impostor French maid and snuck into the mansion undetected.
24. The computer virus pretended to be an impostor malware cleaner, but actually caused more harm.
25. The spy agency trained its operatives to recognize and expose impostor French spies from other countries.
26. The game show contestant was accused of being an impostor because she didn't know much about the topic she claimed expertise in.
27. The fake psychic claimed to use her abilities to see through impersonators and impostors.
28. The CEO discovered that the new manager was actually an impostor who had faked their credentials.
29. The criminal gang used impostor French passports to travel undetected and conduct their illegal activities.
30. The celebrity was shocked to learn that there were several impostors on social media posing as them.

Common Phases

Je ne comprends pas l'impostorfrench; Pouvez-vous répéter en anglais?; Mon niveau d'impostorfrench est bas; Apprendre l'impostorfrench est intéressant; Il y a des mots difficiles en impostorfrench; Je veux améliorer mon niveau d'impostorfrench.

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