Inanity example sentences

Related (10): stupidity, foolishness, senselessness, vacuity, triviality, pointlessness, absurdity, silliness, nonsensicality, ridiculousness

"Inanity" Example Sentences

1. His jokes were full of inanity and failed to amuse anyone.
2. The inanity of the situation was evident in their blank expressions.
3. I couldn't stand the inanity of their conversation, so I excused myself.
4. The inanity of the show was astounding; I couldn't believe people watched it.
5. My mind was filled with inanity after hours of mindless scrolling on social media.
6. The meeting was full of inanity and accomplished nothing of substance.
7. His argument was filled with inanity and lacked any real evidence to support it.
8. I couldn't bear the inanity of the movie and walked out halfway through.
9. The inanity of his behavior was shocking and caused many to question his judgment.
10. Her speech was full of inanity and lacked any clear message or purpose.
11. The inanity of his remarks caused many to question his intelligence.
12. The book was full of inanity and failed to capture my interest.
13. The inanity of their game was apparent, and I quickly lost interest.
14. A quick glance at the report revealed its inanity; it had no helpful information.
15. The inanity of their response left us all feeling frustrated.
16. The article was filled with inanity and lacked any valuable insights.
17. The inanity of the conversation made me wonder why I was even there.
18. The inanity of the situation was so ridiculous it made me laugh.
19. I couldn't tolerate the inanity of their small talk and excused myself from the party.
20. The inanity of their decision was obvious to everyone but them.
21. The presentation was full of inanity and failed to convey any useful information.
22. The inanity of the debate left many feeling discouraged about the future.
23. His attempts at humor were filled with inanity and fell flat.
24. The inanity of the situation was so absurd it became comical.
25. The article was filled with inanity and lacked any real journalistic merit.
26. The inanity of their argument only added to the frustration of the situation.
27. The inanity of her response made it clear she didn't understand what was being discussed.
28. The inanity of their game made it difficult to take them seriously.
29. My patience was tested by the inanity of their questions.
30. The inanity of their plan was so obvious it was surprising they didn't see it themselves.

Common Phases

1. The inanity of their conversation was mind-numbing; I couldn't imagine how they managed to keep talking for so long.
2. I found myself surrounded by the inanity of society's obsession with material possessions; it was overwhelming.
3. The inanity of his argument was apparent from the start; I knew there was no point in trying to reason with him.
4. She was known for spouting off about the inanity of modern technology; it was a bit ironic, given that she was rarely seen without her phone.
5. I had to sit through an entire lecture on the inanity of pop culture; it was painful.
6. When I saw the viral video of the cat playing the piano, I couldn't help but shake my head at the inanity of it all.
7. I couldn't believe the inanity of the decision that had been made; it seemed like no one had thought it through at all.
8. The inanity of his jokes was matched only by the length of his stories; I was glad when he finally left the party.
9. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in the inanity of small talk; I just want someone to have a real conversation with.
10. I had to laugh at the inanity of the situation; it was so absurd that it was almost comical.

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