Inattention example sentences

Related (6): Neglect, forgetfulness, distraction, heedlessness, carelessness, indifference.

"Inattention" Example Sentences

1. The child's inattention in class was a cause for concern.
2. His inattention to detail often led to mistakes.
3. The surgeon's inattention resulted in complications during the procedure.
4. The teacher reprimanded the student for his constant inattention.
5. The worker's inattention put the entire operation at risk.
6. The driver's inattention caused the car accident.
7. The boy's inattention when crossing the street nearly resulted in an accident.
8. The tutor blamed the student's lack of progress on his persistent inattention.
9. Inattention to road signs and traffic rules causes accidents.
10. Symptoms of inattention include being easily distracted, losing things, and difficulty concentrating.
11. His inattention to hygiene often caused problems.
12. The chef scolded the kitchen staff for their constant inattention and disorganization.
13. The captain criticized the crew for their lackadaisical inattention during drills.
14. The analyst's inattention to detail caused errors in the report.
15. The soldier was punished for his inattention during training exercises.
16. Inattention to the needs of customers can cost a business clients and revenue.
17. Inattention to basic manners reflects poorly on individuals and society as a whole.
18. Prolonged inattention can cause work to pile up and deadlines to be missed.
19. Inattention to physical health often leads to deterioration and disease.
20. The safety inspector cited the workers for inattention and disregarding protocols.
21. The writer's inattention to spelling and punctuation marred the manuscript.
22. Inattention in one area can negatively impact performance in other areas.
23. Inattention to wounded comrades can result in unnecessary loss of life.
24. Chronic inattention indicates an underlying problem that needs to be addressed.
25. The reporter was criticized for her inattention to detail and factual errors.
26. Inattention to political issues threatens democracy and freedom.
27. Inattention to warning signs often leads to serious problems later on.
28. His inattention during sales calls cost him crucial contracts and sales.
29. Children diagnosed with ADHD often struggle with symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity.
30. The inspector cited the crew for inattention when operating heavy machinery.
31. The lax security resulted from inattention and complacency rather than malice.
32. Inattention to proper record keeping resulted in a tax audit.
33. His inattention to the financials nearly caused the company to go bankrupt.
34. Inattention to self-care often leads to burnout.
35. The report cited a lack of supervision and employee inattention as contributing factors in the industrial accident.
36. Inattention to subtle cues can cause misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
37. The warnings went unheeded due to inattention rather than malice.
38. His inattention to the needs of others strained his personal relationships.
39. Inattention to household chores leads to a messy and dysfunctional living environment.
40. The central message was lost due to the audience's inattention and distraction.
41. Their inattention to company policy led to a costly lawsuit.
42. Her inattention to her family threatened to tear the household apart.
43. The assistant was fired for consistent inattention and incompetence.
44. Inattention to the future threatens our way of life and environment.
45. The omens went unnoticed due to inattention rather than lack of intelligence.
46. His inattention to safety protocols endangered the lives of his coworkers.
47. The contractor was cited for inattention when operating heavy equipment.
48. Complacency and inattention often go hand in hand.
49. Inattention to one's health often results in exacerbated symptoms and illness.
50. The surgeon was cited for inattention during a procedure that resulted in medical errors.
51. Inattention to basic maintenance resulted in needless repairs and expense.
52. The foreman criticized the workers under his charge for repeated inattention and carelessness.
53. His inattention to detail led to errors and omissions in his work.
54. Her inattention to her appearance reflected poorly on her professional image.
55. Inattention to customer concerns may result in losing business.
56. His inattention to financial planning put his retirement at risk.
57. The interior designer warned that inattention to aesthetic details would compromise the overall effect.
58. His inattention to deadlines resulted in disciplinary action.
59. Inattention to one's surroundings can lead to accidents and injuries.
60. Inattention to obligations has dire consequences.

Common Phases

1. His inattention during class resulted in poor grades.
2. The surgeon's inattention during the operation led to complications.
3. The car accident was caused by the driver's inattention and carelessness.
4. Due to inattention, he overlooked a crucial detail in the report.
5. The employee was fired due to repeated inattention and failing to meet deadlines.
6. Her inattention when crossing the street nearly caused her to get hit by a car.
7. The gardener's inattention allowed the weeds to take over the flowerbeds.
8. The inspector found problems due to inattention during the construction of the house.
9. Inattention while operating heavy machinery can lead to serious injuries.
10. The sad puppy eyes got no response due to the master's inattention.
11. Constant distractions and inattention made it difficult for the child to focus in school.
12. His inattention to hygiene caused him to lose friends.
13. The committee chair scolded the members for their inattention during meetings.
14. The supervisor blamed the mistake on the worker's inattention and carelessness.
15. Inattention to detail is unacceptable in this line of work.
16. The teacher warned the class about the dangers of inattention and distraction while driving.
17. The safety inspection found signs of inattention and neglect throughout the factory.
18. Her temporary inattention led her to make a costly mistake.
19. The surgeon's habitual inattention led to medical errors.
20. The cook's inattention caused the soup to burn and become inedible.
21. The coach was frustrated with the player's inattention and disrespect during practice.
22. The oncologist attributed the overlooked symptom to inattention rather than malice.
23. The writer's inattention to proper spelling hampered the quality of his work.
24. The inattention of the museum staff allowed valuable artifacts to be damaged.
25. His procrastination and inattention resulted in an unfinished project.
26. The lecture failed to hold the students' attention due to the professor's inattention to engagement.
27. Seemingly innocent inattention can have dire consequences.
28. The increasing pace of modern life leaves little time for attention and allows inattention to proliferate.
29. A mother's inattention during important developmental years can harm her child for life.
30. The tranquilizing effects of technology often lead to inattention rather than engagement.
31. Simplistic pleasures demand little attention while weighty matters often fall victim to inattention.
32. Modern life encourages distraction and inattention rather than focus and absorption.
33. Inattention breeds inattention in a vicious cycle of disengagement.
34. Boredom and complacency foster inattention while curiosity and interest spur attention.
35. No matter how trivial, inattention to any task or duty paves the way for larger lapses.
36. What begins as momentary inattention can snowball into habitual distraction.
37. Inattention during times of peace often leads to unpreparedness during times of trouble.
38. Though unintentional, inattention can cause as much harm as deliberate neglect.
39. Growing inattention to proper grammar and syntax threaten the integrity of language itself.
40. Inattention to the needs of others breeds selfishness and numbness.
41. Inattention allows issues to fester and problems to multiply.
42. Close attention to detail weed out errors while inattention allows mistakes to propagate.
43. The first step to addressing any problem is paying attention rather than yielding to inattention.
44. Inattention is the silent enemy of excellence and achievement.
45. Inattention in one area of life often spreads like a virus to infect other parts.
46. Silencing inner distractions requires focused intention that counters the pull of inattention.
47. Inattention may seem harmless on a small scale but can prove deadly when widespread.
48. No amount of intelligence or talent can compensate for inattention and lack of focus.
49. Inattention always comes at a cost though that cost may not be immediately apparent.
50. Intense inattention is just as dangerous as intense attention narrowed onto the wrong thing.
51. It takes tremendous effort to counteract the pull of inattention and cultivate true focus.
52. Excessive inattention reveals a lack of respect for whatever has been neglected.
53. We reap what we sow: attention breeds attention while inattention breeds more inattention.
54. Inattention opens the door for distraction, carelessness, and error to slip in unnoticed.
55. Bad results often follow from inattention to good processes and procedures.
56. The fruit of inattention is always inferior to the fruit of close attention and care.
57. Momentary inattention can have permanent consequences.
58. Inattention is at the root of most mistakes, mishaps, and missed opportunities.
59. The cure for inattention often requires stepping away from external stimulation.
60. In developing the habit of attention lies the remedy for inattention.

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