Inbreathemiddle example sentences

Related (10): inbreath, inhale, inspire, respiration, intake, exhale, outbreath, expire, exhalation, release

"Inbreathemiddle" Example Sentences

1. I stumbled on my inbreathemiddle while trying to catch my breath.
2. The yoga teacher instructed us to focus on our inbreathemiddle during meditation.
3. As I took a deep breath, I felt a sharp pain in my inbreathemiddle.
4. The singer paused in their song, taking a quick inbreathemiddle before continuing.
5. I held my inbreathemiddle as I watched the scary movie scene.
6. In singing, it's important to have a smooth transition from the outbreath to the inbreathemiddle.
7. My friend joked that I had a bee stuck in my inbreathemiddle when I took a quick gasp for air.
8. During my panic attack, I struggled with rapid and shallow inbreathemiddle.
9. The doctor instructed me to take deep breaths and focus on my inbreathemiddle to reduce anxiety.
10. As I ran the marathon, I found myself focusing solely on my inbreathemiddle to keep going.
11. The monks quietly murmured prayers, taking deep inbreathemiddle in between.
12. I feel the most grounded and centered when I focus on my inbreathemiddle during meditation.
13. My singing coach often reminds me to relax my inbreathemiddle to improve my vocals.
14. I let out a big sigh of relief, feeling the tension leave my inbreathemiddle.
15. It's important to maintain a steady and relaxed inbreathemiddle during physical exercise.
16. The gentle breeze flowed easily through my inbreathemiddle, calming my mind.
17. As I practice mindfulness, I find myself naturally focusing on my inbreathemiddle.
18. The doctor listened closely to my inbreathemiddle, looking for any signs of respiratory issues.
19. I held my inbreathemiddle as I eagerly anticipated the surprise in the gift box.
20. My singing warm-up always starts with deep breathing and inbreathemiddle exercises.
21. I feel a sense of spaciousness in my inbreathemiddle as I look out into the vast ocean.
22. The scuba diving instructor instructed me to regulate my inbreathemiddle while underwater.
23. The baby's cry interrupted my inbreathemiddle, but I felt a sense of joy in my heart.
24. It's important to pay attention to the inbreathemiddle while practicing pranayama.
25. The girls squealed with laughter, their inbreathemiddle becoming quick and shallow with excitement.
26. The singer took a final inbreathemiddle before hitting the high note of the song.
27. In my dream, I held my breath tightly, feeling the pressure in my inbreathemiddle.
28. I let out a sigh of disappointment, feeling the tension in my inbreathemiddle release.
29. I took a deep inbreathemiddle, inhaling the delightful scent of freshly baked cookies.
30. The yoga instructor reminded us to focus on our inbreathemiddle as we moved through the asanas.

Common Phases

1. Taking a deep inbreathemiddle, I closed my eyes and centered myself.
2. Inbreathemiddle slowly, and exhale with intention.
3. The silence was broken only by the inbreathemiddle of the wind through the trees.
4. With each inbreathemiddle, I could feel my tension melting away.
5. Inbreathemiddle deeply and exhale all worries.
6. The smell of freshly baked bread filled my inbreathemiddle.
7. In the stillness of the morning, I listened to the inbreathemiddle of the world around me.
8. With each inbreathemiddle, I gathered strength to face the day ahead.
9. The beauty of the sunset took my inbreathemiddle away.
10. Inbreathemiddle softly, and let your mind quiet.

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