Incarnationem example sentences

Related (5): Jesus, embodiment, manifestation, personification, realization.

"Incarnationem" Example Sentences

1. The concept of incarnationem is a central tenet of Christianity.
2. The doctrine of incarnationem states that Jesus Christ was God in human form.
3. In Catholicism, the Mass is the re-presentation of Christ's incarnationem.
4. The story of the Nativity in the Bible is a depiction of the incarnationem.
5. Theologians have debated the meaning and significance of incarnationem for centuries.
6. The idea of incarnationem is unique to Christianity among major religions.
7. Many early Christian theologians wrote extensively on the topic of incarnationem.
8. The term incarnationem comes from the Latin word "incarnatio," meaning "to make flesh."
9. The incarnationem of Christ is considered an act of divine salvation in Christianity.
10. The doctrine of incarnationem has been the subject of many scholarly works.
11. The concept of a divine being taking on human form in incarnationem is a common theme in mythology.
12. Some Christian sects have different interpretations of the idea of incarnationem.
13. The gospel of John contains several references to the incarnationem of Christ.
14. The doctrine of incarnationem is one of the foundational beliefs of Christianity.
15. For Christians, the incarnationem is a mystery that cannot be fully explained by human understanding.
16. The idea of incarnationem has been a source of inspiration for many artists and writers throughout history.
17. The incarnationem of Christ is celebrated on Christmas Day.
18. The early Christian church included the belief in incarnationem in its creeds.
19. Some Christians view the concept of incarnationem as a key part of their personal faith.
20. Theologians continue to explore the implications of the incarnationem for Christian theology.
21. The idea of a divine being becoming human in incarnationem is seen as a symbol of God's love for humanity.
22. The doctrine of incarnationem has been used to explain the relationship between God and humanity.
23. The concept of incarnationem has been a source of controversy and debate in Christian history.
24. The idea of incarnationem is central to many Christian hymns and religious songs.
25. Christians believe that the incarnationem of Christ was necessary for the redemption of humanity.
26. The Catholic Church teaches that the doctrine of incarnationem is a dogma of faith.
27. The concept of incarnationem is a unique expression of God's love and grace in human history.
28. The incarnationem of Christ is a symbol of God's solidarity with humanity.
29. Christians believe that the incarnationem of Christ shows that God is both transcendent and immanent.
30. The idea of incarnationem has been a central theme in Christian art and literature.

Common Phases

1. Incarnationem Domini celebramus; We celebrate the incarnation of the Lord.
2. Hic natus est filius declaratio incarnationem Dei; Here is born the Son, the declaration of God's incarnation.
3. Incarnationem Christi fidei nostrae fundamentum est; The incarnation of Christ is the foundation of our faith.
4. Miraculum incarnationem non facile explicari potest; The miracle of the incarnation cannot be easily explained.
5. Veritas incarnationem mysterium est; The truth of the incarnation is a mystery.

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