Inconceivableinconceivable example sentences

Related (7): impossible, unimaginable, incomprehensible, unbelievable, absurd, unthinkable, incredible

"Inconceivableinconceivable" Example Sentences

1. It is inconceivable that she would willingly put herself in such danger.
2. The amount of money he spends on luxury goods is inconceivable to me.
3. The idea of living without modern technology is inconceivable in today's world.
4. It is inconceivable that anyone could deny the overwhelming evidence of climate change.
5. The thought of a world without music is inconceivable to me.
6. The pain she must have felt upon losing her child is inconceivable to me.
7. The idea of a completely cashless society is still inconceivable for many people.
8. The fact that some still deny the existence of systemic racism is inconceivable to me.
9. The idea of traveling to other galaxies and discovering new life forms is truly inconceivable.
10. It is inconceivable to imagine a world without art and creativity.
11. The amount of plastic waste in our oceans is inconceivable, yet it persists.
12. The thought of going back to life before the internet seems inconceivable to most people.
13. The fact that some still deny the Holocaust ever happened is inconceivable to me.
14. It is inconceivable to me that anyone could be so heartless as to harm an innocent animal.
15. The idea of a world without access to clean water is inconceivable to many of us.
16. The amount of people living in poverty around the world is truly inconceivable.
17. The idea of going through life without any meaningful relationships seems inconceivable to me.
18. The thought of a world without human rights and equality is inconceivable to many.
19. The idea of a completely sustainable world may seem inconceivable, but it is possible.
20. It is inconceivable to me that anyone could deny the devastating effects of deforestation.
21. The amount of suffering in the world may seem inconceivable, but we must strive to make a difference.
22. The idea of giving up basic freedoms and human dignity is inconceivable to most of us.
23. The fact that some countries still use child soldiers is inconceivable and must be stopped.
24. The idea of a world without laughter and joy seems inconceivable to me.
25. It is inconceivable that some still refuse to vaccinate their children, despite overwhelming evidence.
26. The amount of food waste in our society is truly inconceivable in the face of worldwide hunger.
27. The idea of a completely renewable energy system may seem inconceivable, but it is crucial for our planet's health.
28. The thought of a world without education and intellectual progress seems inconceivable to most of us.
29. It is inconceivable to me that some still discriminate against others based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation.
30. The amount of plastic pollution in our oceans may seem inconceivable, but we can all make a difference by reducing our own waste.

Common Phases

1. The size of the universe is inconceivable; its vastness is beyond our understanding.
2. It is inconceivable to me how he could have betrayed my trust.
3. The amount of food wasted each day is inconceivable; it could easily feed millions of hungry people.
4. The idea that time travel could someday be possible is inconceivable to some, but to others it is a fascinating possibility.
5. The speed at which technology is advancing is inconceivable; what might have seemed science fiction just a few years ago is now a reality.
6. The true horror of war is inconceivable to those who have never experienced it firsthand.
7. The fact that some people still deny climate change is inconceivable; the evidence is overwhelmingly clear.
8. The impact of social media on society is inconceivable; it has completely changed the way we communicate and interact with one another.

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