Inconclusiveness example sentences

Related (7): ambiguity, indecision, uncertainty, vagueness, hesitancy, equivocality, obscurity

"Inconclusiveness" Example Sentences

1. The experiment yielded inconclusiveness due to the limited sample size.
2. The investigation into the incident ended with inconclusiveness.
3. There was an air of inconclusiveness surrounding the debate.
4. The report's findings were disputed due to their inconclusiveness.
5. The medical test results were marked with inconclusiveness.
6. The study's results were marked by inconclusiveness and therefore did not yield any significant findings.
7. Due to the inconclusiveness of the data collected, further research is needed.
8. The trial ended with an inconclusiveness ruling from the jury.
9. The lack of hard evidence led to the trial's inconclusiveness.
10. The detective was frustrated by the inconclusiveness of the case.
11. The investigation's inconclusiveness left many questions unanswered.
12. The debate ended in a stalemate due to inconclusiveness.
13. The panel's decision was marked by inconclusiveness and therefore led to a tie.
14. The test results had a degree of inconclusiveness, making it difficult to draw any conclusions.
15. The report's inconclusiveness has left many stakeholders uncertain about the situation.
16. The doctors were unable to provide a diagnosis due to the inconclusiveness of the test results.
17. The scientists were disappointed by the inconclusiveness of their research findings.
18. The team's research showed a degree of inconclusiveness, which prompted them to revise their hypotheses.
19. The data analysis led to a degree of inconclusiveness that requires further investigation.
20. The experiment's results led to inconclusiveness due to confounding variables.
21. The conference ended without reaching any conclusions due to inconclusiveness among the experts.
22. The investigation's failure to produce concrete evidence led to its inconclusiveness.
23. The jury's decision was marked by inconclusiveness, which prompted the judge to declare a mistrial.
24. The team's findings were marked by inconclusiveness and therefore did not contribute to the field.
25. The study's inconclusiveness highlighted the need for more research in this area.
26. The case's inconclusiveness led to its being reopened for further investigation.
27. The researchers hoped to resolve the inconclusiveness of their findings through collaboration with other scientists.
28. The experiment's design was criticized for having a high degree of inconclusiveness.
29. The investigative journalist's report raised questions due to its inconclusiveness.
30. The team's research data showed a degree of inconclusiveness, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions.

Common Phases

1. The study's inconclusiveness left many questions unanswered; further research is necessary.
2. Both parties argued their case fiercely, but the inconclusiveness of the evidence made the verdict difficult to reach; the jury remained deadlocked.
3. The inconclusiveness of the experiment undermined the credibility of the researcher's hypothesis; alternative explanations needed to be explored.
4. The medical test's inconclusiveness was frustrating for the patients who needed a diagnosis; more tests and evaluations were required.
5. The report's inconclusiveness disappointed the stakeholders who had been hoping for clear recommendations; they would need to discuss next steps in another meeting.

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